- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- The Minutes of the January 18, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
Jason shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. Jason summarized the status of current projects:
9 Mile & North – The crew has started to install the 36” pipe. There are 2 more sublines to complete and the main line back to highway 52. Our goal is to be completed by March 31.
Cross Coulee Pipeline – Jenex is moving quickly. We have added a number of additional sublines onto the project, but Jenex should still be finished by the end of March.
GPS – We have reviewed the idea of using multiple smaller lines versus the twin 48” and 54” lines for the Welling phase GPS. The extra installation cost makes the idea cost prohibitive. Jason reported that Darin Wilde has been in contact with representatives from Cla Val (the company that will be supply the pressure reducing valves). Cla Val has worked with irrigation districts in New Zealand that have installed systems very similar to ours – large blocks of irrigation with a series of pressure reducing valves in single lines. If warrantied the Board approves of Jason and Darin Wilde going to New Zealand to examine their infrastructure in preparation for our GPS project.
New Dayton CPR Crossing – Wilde Brothers Engineering has been able to make some progress with CPR. They are requiring a full geotechnical report be completed prior to project approval. Wilde Brothers Engineering will work on lining up a contractor to complete the geotechnical report.
- Irrican – Jason and Amanda reported:
The Irrican AGM will be held on February 16 at the SMRID Board room.
We have submitted our year end to the auditors. They are scheduled to commence fieldwork on February 28. We will try and schedule the audit exit meeting for our next Board meeting on March 15, 2023.
We are working on migrating our records over to Quickbooks online. The new DDIT program, which will house our assessment roll will connect directly Quickbooks for billing and accounts receivable.
At this time, no one is on rate enforcement.
- Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast / RID Diversion / DDIT:
The Board reviewed the most recent snow pack and reservoir report. The snowpack was looking great, but has levelled off. There has been very little snow since Christmas.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:
Districts in IAI are working together to discuss an extension request with CIB/GOA due to pvc pipe supply issues.
- Software/Hardware/DDIT Update – Jason reported:
Jason attended a GIS/DDIT meeting in Strathmore with GIS specialists from the other districts and representatives from the GOA. The meeting was very insightful and Jason was able to take back some good information to Wilde Brothers Engineering, our DDIT designer.
- Seminar and AGM:
The Board discussed the agenda for the seminar and AGM. Included in the seminar is Richardson Pioneer with a commodity price outlook (John has contacted them). Craig will contact a contact and arrange for a nitrogen stabilizer presentation. Jason will contact Dr. Willemijn Appels from the Lethbridge College and Irrigation Council to present on Soil Moisture Analysis. Joan ZoBell has agreed to provide the roast beef dinner again.
- Welling Director Election – Jason reported:
We have received 1 nomination for the Welling director. Nomination deadline closes tomorrow on February 16. If an election is needed Jason will advise the Board right away.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
Nothing noted.
- Delegation – Chris Gallagher, Stantec Engineering:
Chris was invited into the meeting and discussed his role at Stantec and services he could provide to the RID. The Board asked Chris a variety of questions, particularly relating to our GPS project and alternative products to PVC.
- AIDA Executive Update
The Board reviewed the executive committee meeting update provided by the MID.
- 8-2 Pump Site and Pipeline
This item was tabled until the next board meeting.
- Household Purposes Agreement Requests
An HPA was requested for: Plan 4489J, Block 111
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves an HPA agreement for parcel Plan 448J, Block 111.
- Transfer of Acre Request
Transfer requests were present for: 17 acres from SE 20-6-20-W4 to SE 9-7-19-W4 & 5 acres from Plan 4489J, Block 111 to the RID
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the Board approves the transfer of 17 irrigation acres from SE 20-6-20-W4 to SE 9-7-19-W4 and 5 irrigation acres from Plan 4489J, Block 111 to the RID.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for March 15, 2023.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm on motion by Craig Palmer.