- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- The Minutes of the December 22, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
Cody shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. Jason and Cody summarized the status of current projects:
9 Mile & North – The road crossings are completed. Syncor did a great job. We have most of the pipe now. We plan to divide the crew into 2 groups. One group will pipeline, while the other works on installing the inlet structure.
Cross Coulee Pipeline – The installation is going well. Jenex is working quickly. Jason reported that he talked to Brian Hicken about lines to his parcels. Brian understands that the Board cannot provide a price guarantee for future acres, but he still wants to proceed with lines to his parcel. He will pay the $1,100/acre infrastructure charge and will rent acres until such time as acres are available. Brian’s turnouts will be located on SE 35-5-20-W4 and SE 34-5-20-W4. He will be responsible for running mainline to his pivots on adjacent parcels.
GPS – Wilde Brothers Engineering continues to work on the design of the GPS system. We are exploring the possibility of using multiple smaller lines rather than larger lines.
New Dayton CPR Crossing – Wilde Brothers Engineering continues to work with CPR to approve a plan to replace the culverts that cross the CPR’s Montana Subline. The project has been added to our IRP 3 year plan.
- Irrican – Jason and Amanda reported:
The audit is underway. The AGM will be held on February 16 at the SMRID Board room.
We are currently working on our year end. Our goal is to provide the year end working papers to the auditors by the first week of February. Jason discussed MWG’s recommendation to merge our district capital fund with our general fund to make our financial statements clearer.
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves rolling the district capital fund into the general fund commencing with the 2022 financial statements.
The Board discussed having a winter staff party on January 30, 2023. The Board discussed various ideas for the party and decided to have the party at a restaurant in Lethbridge for staff and spouses.
- Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast / RID Diversion / DDIT:
The Board reviewed the most recent snow pack and reservoir report. The snowpack was looking great, but there has been very little snow since December.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:
Jason continues to attend the monthly IAI Board meetings and act as the Secretary. Nothing significant to report.
- Equipment – Jason reported:
The telehandler has been ordered and will be here in mid-summer.
- Software/Hardware/DDIT Update – Jason reported:
The development of our new DDIT program is underway. Jason will be attending a meeting in Strathmore next week with other districts to discuss how each district has developed customized DDIT and GIS tools.
- Irrigation Council – Request for Input on “IRP Allocation Formula & Future Need”:
The Board reviewed and signed the letter Jason prepared based on the discussion from the previous Board meeting. Amanda will mail the letter to the Irrigation Council this week.
- Seminar and AGM:
The Board set the date of March 23, 2023 for the seminar and AGM. The Board discussed various seminar topics including, assessing soil water needs, history of the district, CLAS land management, commodity pricing outlook, and Canola producers – industry developments.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
Nothing noted.
- Welling Director Election:
Nomination deadline is February 16, 2023. An election notice is scheduled to be in the Westwind Weekly on January 19, 2023. If an election is needed it will be held on March 9, 2023.
- Irrigation Water Within the Town of Raymond:
The Raymond Town Council has asked the RID to determine if irrigation water can be brought into the Town for residential lawns, gardens and trees. Jason has prepared a brief presentation showing possible locations where the Town could connect to RID infrastructure. Jason recommended that the RID leave any development of irrigation within the Town to the Town. The RID’s mandate is primarily for crop irrigation. Should the Town want irrigation water, they will be responsible for all design, installation, expenses and maintenance. The Board agreed with Jason’s recommendation.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for February 15, 2023.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 pm on motion by Craig Palmer.