March 15, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights
  • The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
  • The Minutes of the February 15, 2023 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.

Business Arising

  • O&M Report and AIM Project Update:

Jason shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. Jason summarized the status of current projects:

9 Mile & North – We are getting very close to completing the final tie in by highway 52. After the tie in we have 2 additional spur lines and a few final risers to tie in. This week our pipelining is on hold so that we can dig snow out of canals to prevent flooding. This will set us back a week in our pipelining. Our goal was to complete the project by March 31, but with the delays it will likely be around mid April that we are finished.   

Cross Coulee Pipeline – Jenex is finishing the last few spur lines and will be finished until the frost comes out of the ground. They will then return and clean up and level the trench.     

GPS – Nothing new to report on this project at this time.  

New Dayton CPR Crossing – Our engineer has lined up a specialist to complete the CPR requirement of a geotechnical analysis of our proposed culvert replacement.

  • Irrican – Jason and Amanda reported:

The winter repairs to the plants are wrapping up and the Irrican operators are gearing up for the 2023 operating season.

The audit is completed. MWG is finishing their in-office work and will present the financial statements to the Board later today.

We have started to implement Quickbooks. There have been a few hurdles, but Amanda is working through them. The annual budget and payroll review will be ready for next month’s meeting.

  • Staffing:

Jason presented the idea of hiring a summer student to help during the summer. The Board discussed the idea and supported hiring a summer student.

  • Equipment – Jason reported:

Chinook equipment reported that the telehandler should be here sooner than expected. They are anticipating it to be available within the next few weeks.

Jason discussed purchasing a packer attachment for the mini excavator as a replacement for using packers in the trench.

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approves purchasing a packer attachment for the mini excavator.  

  • Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast / RID Diversion / DDIT:

The Board reviewed the most recent snow pack and reservoir report. The snowpack looks slightly below average at this point.

  • Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:

IAI is working with CIB/GOA to extend the project deadline due to PVC pipe supply issues.

  • Software/Hardware/DDIT Update – Jason reported:

Wilde Bros. Engineering is working on our new DDIT/assessment roll program. They are making good progress and hope to have a draft program to view by the next Board meeting.

  • Seminar and AGM:

The Board discussed the agenda for the seminar and AGM. The presenters, the meal, the door prizes, etc. are all lined up and ready for the meeting.

New Business

  • Directors’ Items:

The Board discussed Don Heggie’s 30 irrigation acres that were returned to the district about 15 years when Don subdivided a parcel of land into acreages. Neither the RID or Don have documents from Don supporting the transfer of the acres to another parcel or the sale of the acres by Don. As such, per the subdivision documents the acres were to return to the district.  

The Board also discussed, again, the private line that services range road 64 east of hwy 845. It was discussed that the line is a private line and that if there are concerns that too many people are on the line, the owners will need to discuss and determine what course of action they would like to take. It is the opinion of RID staff that the line is sufficiently sized to serve everyone on the line. The problems one group are having is likely due to a problem within their own infrastructure.

  • Audit Exit Meeting – Patrick Treadwell from MWG joined the meeting via google meet:

Patrick presented the financial statements to the Board. They reviewed the statements and asked several questions.

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approves the 2022 audit financial statements.

  • 8-2 Pump site and Pipeline – Jason reported:

The 8-2 pump site needs a long-term maintenance/replacement plan. The electrical components and pumps have been reviewed by Rivers Electric and MPE engineering. The consensus from them is that everything is working, but is just about completely worn out. They suggested making a replacement plan, and in the meantime continue to operate and change components as needed.

Jason has asked Darin to review the 8-2 pumps and pipeline and look at several alternatives: replacing the pump site and continuing as is, eliminating the pump site and turning the pipeline into a gravity system where each irrigators has their own pump (similar to 8-1), and, looking at extending the line so that irrigators north of the existing line that currently pump out of the Stirling drain can be on an upgrade 8-2 pipeline.

  • Household Purposes Agreement Requests:

An HPA was requested for: Plan 752J, Block 38, Lot 1-8

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves an HPA agreement for parcel Plan 752J, Block 38, Lot 1-8.

  • Annual Acre Agreements:

Annual acre requests were present for: Ken Weaver, Brian Hicken and Rod Conrad.

On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approves the annual acre agreements for Ken Weaver, Brian Hicken, and Rod Conrad.

  • Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is set for April 19, 2023.

Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm on motion by Rod Wendorff.