- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- The Minutes of the May 18, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
The water supervisors have been working hard because water demand has been very high. The current rain storm has provided a much needed relief for farmers and our crew.
- Irrican – Kelvin reported:
We have received our $200,000 extra payment from Irrican. The extra payment will be used to supplement operating expenses for this year so that we can avoid a rate increase.
7-1 and 8-2 rates have been set at: 7-1 – $22,500; 8-2 $29,500, which is based on 85% of the past 5 year average total billing. Billing can take place earlier (i.e. January) going forward because we will not be required to wait on utility bills.
Kelvin will be on vacation from July 1 to approximately December 31, 2022. He will be back for a few days in late July or early August to assist with the annual assessment.
- Snowpack Report and Water Supply Forecast:
The Board reviewed the most recent snowpack, reservoir report and RID diversions to date. The snow pack is finally melting, which has resulted Waterton reservoir reaching full supply level (FSL) and other reservoir levels starting to rise. RID diversions to date are approximately 16,000 ac ft.
- Project planning update – Jason reported:
- 9 Mile & North – Due to pipe supply issues, Ipex is estimating we will only get ¾ of our 9 mile pipe order this year. Based on this, next winter the RID plans on completing the 9 mile (to the extend that pipe is received), plus completing the Welling 5 extension line. The Welling 5 extension project was originally going to be installed by a 3rd party, but the reduction in the 9 mile project will enable the RID to complete the Welling 5 extension.
- Cross Coulee Pipeline – Easements are completed for this project. The RFP’s have been received. There were 3 proposals: Porter Tanner – $993,399; LW Dennis Contracting Ltd – $789,806; and, Jenex – $586,736.
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board accepted the proposal from Jenex for $586,736 to complete the construction of the Cross Coulee pipeline.
- GPS – Nothing new to report.
- Welling #5 to Hill – The RID plans on completing this project in the fall. Pipe is ordered and easements have been obtained. Originally, we planned on the pipeline serving the surrounding acreages; however, our engineer has reviewed the situation and has some technical concerns about delivery water to them. Delivery to the acreages will be reviewed further before a decision is made about delivering to them.
- Hwy 52 Dam – seepage and headgate leak – We will schedule these repairs during the upcoming summer months.
- RID Parcel – The RID is working on finishing a land purchase agreement to purchase 2 parcels of old County roadway running through our shop parcel. An agreement was signed by the County, but a formal subdivision application has to be completed.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. – Jason reported:
Districts are working together with Ipex to ensure all districts get part of the pipe orders they need for the 2022-2023 construction season.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
Two director’s items were discussed:
- Annual agreement for parcel – SW 16-6-21-W4. Several points were discussed:
- The landowner spoke to Craig Palmer about the parcel. He has reached the decision to sell the property, but would like the RID to write a letter stating that we will provide water for the parcel for the foreseeable future.
- Irrigators have spoken to Rod Wendorff, Jason and Cody, about the parcel. They are concerned because water is flowing the Welling #5 ditch to delivery water to the parcel. The ditch was closed several years ago when the Welling #5 pipeline replaced it.
- The landowner is not irrigating the parcel in a manner that was agreed to.
- The parcel is under 50 acres so permanent acres cannot be put on the parcel.
- An annual agreement was provided for the 2022 operating season so the RID is obligated to delivery water to the parcel. Ben Richards, the ditch rider, has been very good about running a minimal amount of water to the parcel.
Based on the discussion, the Board decided to honor the current annual agreement, not provide a letter the landowner consenting to future water delivery, and not provide a future annual agreement under the current manner the parcel is being irrigated. Jason will reach out the landowner and discuss the situation with him.
- Household Purposes Agreements (“HPA”):
Ron Wendorff asked for clarification as to what could be irrigated under an HPA. Jason explained that the HPA agreement allowed users to water their lawn, garden, trees and a little bit of livestock. Generally, we let them use an irrigation gun, but not wheels lines, hand moves, or flooding. HPA users rank in priority behind irrigators as our primary focus is on the irrigation of farmland. The Board and management discussed HPA’s and the following points were shared:
- Some HPA users tend to waste water through their irrigation practices;
- Going forward HPA users must provide the method they will be using to irrigate their parcel so that water is conserved;
- There are a number of acreages using water that do not have HPAs.
- Jason suggested having Kelvin, after June, drive through the district and find the individuals that are using water without an agreement and arranging an agreement with them.
- The Board would like information about HPA’s published on our website.
- From an operational perspective we are putting shut off valves (municipal valves) on any new HPA line so that we can turn them off if they do not pay their fees or if repairs need to be made so that an entire pipeline does not need to be shut down to repair a HPA system.
- HPA users are responsible for all of installation costs associated with installing their riser
- Transfer of Irrigation Acres – Jason presented the following transfer requests:
- 30 irrigation acres from N1/2 20-6-21-W4 to N1/2 7-6-18-W4
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approved the transfer of 30 irrigation acres from N1/2 20-6-21-W4 to N1/2 7-6-18-W4.
- Alternate Parcel Agreements – Jason presented the following requests:
- 9 irrigation acres from NE 17-6-21-W to SE 27-6-21-W4
- 130 irrigation acres from NW 33-5-21-W4 to SW 5-6-21-W4
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approved the above noted alternate parcel agreements for the 2022 irrigation season.
- Annual Agreements – Jason presented the following requests:
- 30 irrigation acres for NE 34-5-15-W4 (Rod Nelson)
- 30 irrigation acres for W1/2 35-5-15-W4 (Rod Nelson)
- 130 irrigation acres for NW 35-5-16-W4 (Culler Farms)
- 50 irrigation acres for NE 17-6-17-W4 (Delco)
- 50 irrigation acres for NW 17-6-17-W4 (Delco)
- 80 irrigation acres for SW 17-6-17-W4 (Delco)
- 100 irrigation acres for SE 17-6-17-W4 (Delco)
- 380 irrigation acres for 7-6-16-W4 (Delco)
- 125 irrigation acres for SW 22-6-17-W4 (Wauters)
- 61 irrigation acres for NW 15-6-17-W4 (Wauters)
- 20 irrigation acres for SW 15-6-17-W4 (Wauters)
- 61 irrigation acres for NE 16-6-17-W4 (Wauters)
- 105 irrigation acres for SW 16-6-17-W4 (Wauters)
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the Board approved the above noted annual agreements for the 2022 irrigation season.
- Irrigable Unit Resolution – Jason presented a resolution to make the following parcels an irrigable unit:
- Linc Numbers: 0022 16 025; 0013 223 680; 0013 218 920
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board passed resolution 2022-2 to make the about parcels an irrigable unit.
- Adding parcels to the district – Jason presented:
- Adding SE 4-7-21-W4 to the RID
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approved adding parcel SE 4-7-21-W4 to the RID.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Jason presented the following HPA request:
- 2-6-20-W4 Subdivisions 5 & 6 (Carl Jerome)
- N1/2 20-6-21-W4 (Norm Wilde)
- NE 11-6-21-W4 (Ty Stewart & Karlee Cahoon)
- NE 7-6-20-W4 (Michael Smith)
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approved the above noted HPAs.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for July 20, 2022.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:48 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.