- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
- The Minutes of the April 13, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
The crew has been working hard to fill our canals and pipelines. We have had a number of repairs due to early frost last fall and freezing temperatures this spring. There has also been very high demand already this year because of the lack of moisture.
- Staffing Update:
Amanda Ravoy has been hired as the new office clerk. She will begin on June 1, 2022. Kelvin Kado’s retirement date is June 30, 2022, but will use banked vacation time until December 31, 2022.
- Irrican – Kelvin reported:
Rate enforcement:
We had 3 accounts that were to be rate enforced: #1035, #1008, #1271. #1035 and #1008 are now current, while #1271 is selling their land. We will collect everything owed to us during the conveyancing of the sale. #1271 is also subdividing off their home as an acreage before the sale.
7-1 and 8-2 Energy Costs:
Raymond 7-1 and 8-2 energy agreements need to be updated for this year because the RID is now the energy provider because of the solar arrays. We will be fixing the energy costs based on the average of the past 5-year energy costs less 15%. Our solar income from December 2021 through April 2022 was $27,939.22.
Cell Phones:
After 25 years we are leaving Rogers because of too many dropped calls. The local tower is having problems and we are unable to communicate with each other and irrigators. We are moving to Bell. It is better pricing and we anticipate having better service.
- Snowpack Report and Water Supply Forecast:
The Board reviewed the most recent snowpack report, which showed the snowpack looking great. Temperatures have remained quite low which has resulted in the snowpacks continuing to grow rather than melt. Reservoir levels are low and we have not yet received much moisture, but the forecast shows rain later this week and then rain on and off over the following week.
- Project planning update – Jason reported:
- Cross Coulee Pipeline – The pipe has been ordered and we will be sending out RFP’s to contractors within the next week.
- GPS – Nothing new to report. We are working to get further information from the pressure reducing valve manufacturer.
- Welling #5 to Hill – This project will happen in the 2022-2023 construction season. The landowners meeting will be scheduled in the first few days of June.
- Hwy 52 Dam – seepage and headgate leak – This work will be completed once our spring maintenance is completed.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. – Jason reported:
Members of IAI are concerned about projects being completed on time and within budget due to pipe production constraints and price increases. We are working with Ipex, CIB and GOA to extend the timeframe to complete the modernization projects.
Members of IAI met with several environmental groups last week to discuss our modernization and reservoir projects. Everyone agreed water conservation was very important.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
The Board discussed irrigators using their pivots to irrigate adjoining parcels to optimize the use of their pivots and cover as much of their land as possible. Each situation will need to be evaluated on their own merits, but generally, if adjoining landowners’ consent and the irrigator has sufficient irrigation rights, the Board would be agreeable to such situations.
- Irrican / Main Canal Meeting Report – Jason reported:
The meetings were orderly and conducted quickly due to Board members being in the middle of seeding. The main canal is being run very high because the early demand. The power plants are doing great so far and have had very little down time.
The Board members discussed the importance of the main canal agreement and the need to updated it due to the SMRID & TID amalgamation. After this crop season everyone would like to make reaching an agreeable contract a top priority.
- Transfer of Irrigation Acres – Jason presented the following transfer requests:
- 11 irrigation acres from NW 9-6-21-W4 to SW 18-6-20-W4
- 5 irrigation acres from SE 23-6-21-W4 to SW 18-6-20-W4
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approved the transfer of 11 irrigation acres from NW 9-6-21-W4 to SW 18-6-20-W4 and the transfer of 5 irrigation acres from SE 23-6-21-W4 to SW 18-6-20-W4.
- Alternate Parcel Agreements – Jason presented the following requests:
- 13 irrigation acres from W1/2 SW 25-6-21-W4 to NE 26-6-21-W4
- 4 irrigation acres from NW 19-6-20-W4 to NE 26-6-21-W4
- 10 irrigation acres from NE 27-6-20-W4 to NE 36-5-21-W4
- 6 irrigation acres from NE 27-6-20-W4 to SE 28-6-20-W4
- 30 irrigation acres from NW 35-6-21-W4 to NW 28-6-18-W4
- 35 irrigation acres from NE 16-7-21-W to SE 19-6-21-W4
- 110 irrigation acres from NE 4-7-20-W4 to NE9-7-19-W4
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the Board approved the above noted alternate parcel agreements for the 2022 irrigation season.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Jason presented the following HPA request:
- Plan 0810396, Block 114, Lot 2
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board approved a HPA agreement for Plan 0810396, Block 114, Lot 2.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for June 15, 2022.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM on motion by Craig Palmer.