Held Wednesday July 20, 2022 commencing at 9:20 AM in the RID Board Room.
The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- The Minutes of the June 15, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
Irrigation has been very busy, but the rain earlier this week helped slow water delivery down. Irrigation is almost finished for cereal crops. We have had a number of leaks over the last few weeks. Alberta Agriculture selected IRP 1013 to randomly inspect this year. IRP 1013 is an old ditch that was replaced with a closed pipeline. The report shows the ditch in disrepair, which is accurate, but we no longer use the ditch. Cody and Jason will review the report and draft an action plan for Irrigation Council.
- Staffing update – Jason reported:
Ben Richards and Dave Powelson are registered for their class 1 drivers training in September. We have applied for a Canada Alberta Jobs Grant (CAJG), which would help pay for a portion of the cost.
- Irrican – Jason and Amanda reported:
Amanda is adjusting well to her role and doing an excellent job. Over the next few weeks, we will be preparing the annual assessment notices.
The Board discussed the RID trucks including purchasing a used truck for ditch riding. Jason reported that Raymond Motors has advised that our new trucks should be receiving VIN’s within the next 2 weeks. Once they have VIN’s it should take approximately 6 weeks to build them.
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approves the purpose of the 2009 double cab Silverado.
- Snowpack Report and Water Supply Forecast:
The Board reviewed the most recent reservoir report and RID diversions to date. Reservoirs throughout the system are doing excellent and total storage is above average. RID diversion to date is approximately 26,000 ac ft.
- Project planning update – Darin Wilde from Wilde Brothers Engineering attended this portion of the meeting and shared information with the Board. Jason and Darin reported:
- 9 Mile & North – No additional update from last meeting.
- Cross Coulee Pipeline – No additional update from last meeting.
- GPS – Darin has been researching and working with Clay Val on finding a pressure reducing valve which will work in our application. Particularly with the raw water that has particles in it. Darin explained to the Board that multiple pressure reducing stations will be needed and strategically placed throughout the project. Each station will require a vault in the ground so the pressure reducing valve can be accessed for servicing. Craig Palmer, on a recent trip to Idaho, discovered that Idaho has several gravity pressure systems that incorporate pressure reducing valves. Darin will reach out to Craig’s contacts in Idaho and see if there is anything that they have developed that we can learn from and help us in the development of our gravity system.
- Welling #5 to Hill – No additional update from the last meeting.
- Hwy 52 Dam – seepage and headgate leak – As water slows down over the next month, we will complete these repairs.
- Chin Reservoir Expansion Update – Travis Geremia from SMRID, the lead engineer on this project, attended the meeting and gave a presentation on the project. The presentation was very informative and greatly appreciated by the Board. Attached to the minutes is a pdf of Travis’s presentation.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:
Districts continue to work together with Ipex to ensure all districts get part of the pipe orders they need for the 2022-2023 construction season. The IAI Board also asked each district to discuss the idea of lobbying the government for additional financial support for the AIM projects because of the significant inflation that has occurred since the projects started. The RID Board fully supports lobbying the government for additional funds to offset the inflation that has occurred since starting the projects.
- Household Purposes Agreements (“HPA”) – Jason reported:
Following the HPA discussion from the last Board meeting, RID staff have updated the RID website to include details about HPA agreements. The Board reviewed the updated website and were happy with the additions. RID staff have also updated the HPA agreement document. The Board reviewed the updated agreement and were happy with the updates.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
A land owner with an annual agreement for this irrigation season, attended the meeting and presented a request for permanent irrigation acres, or a long-term agreement to receive annual acres on his parcel. The Board discussed the matter with the land owner, but unfortunately, there is no turnout on the property and water is only available through a decommissioned open ditch. Some years ago, the district replaced the ditch with a closed pipeline and the district cannot justify running water down the ditch. The parcel is also under 50 acres so under RID bylaws permanent acres cannot be allocated to the parcel.
- Subdivision Applications and Right of Way Adjustments – Jason reported:
The following subdivision applications have been received:
- SE 28-6-19-W4 – This is a 16 acre parcel that has 15 water rights. We have responded to the application that the water rights have to be removed prior to the application as the subdivided parcels are under 50 acres.
- W1/2 22-6-20-W4 – This application is to subdivide a portion of the parcel for the new Town lagoons.
- KD Jen – E1/2 9-6-20-W4 – The application is the next phase of the Cobblestone development. The application is now approved, but has the stipulation that the developer must install a 4” chain-link fence with slates between the RID right of way and the development.
- RID – Plan 4489J, Lot 3&5 – This is our application to subdivide the County property so that we can add it to our shop parcels.
- Factory Lake – This right of way adjustment cleans up our right of way around Factory lake. This adjustment is nearly completed. We are just waiting on signatures from the landowners.
- Emrgy – Energy Proposal – Jason reported:
The RID has been approached by Emrgy, a energy company based out of Atlanta, to examine the possibility of installing power generating units in RID canals. They had a preliminary meeting with Jason several weeks ago and have not presented a Letter of Intent (LOI). The Board discussed the letter and had concerns about the exclusivity clause, which would prevent the RID from working with other groups regarding energy development within our infrastructure. The Board asked Jason to respond back to Emrgy with alternative exclusivity terms.
- Alternate Parcel Agreements – Jason presented the following requests:
- 20 irrigation acres from SW 2-6-21-W4 to W 16-6-20-W4
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approved the above noted alternate parcel agreement for the 2022 irrigation season.
- Annual Agreements – Jason presented the following requests:
- 21 irrigation acres for SE 30-5-20-W4
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the Board approved the above noted annual agreement for the 2022 irrigation season.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Jason presented the following HPA request:
- W1/2 7-7-20-W4
- NW 28-6-19-W4
- Plan 4489J Block 106 Lot 1
On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approved the above noted HPAs.
- Other Uses – OK Colony Request – Jason reported:
OK Colony has installed a 14 million gallon dugout that is designed to be filled from Ridge reservoir. The purpose of the dugout is to provide water for their domestic purposes, watering their lawns and gardens, and watering their livestock. The colony assumed they would be able to fill it from Ridge. Now that it is built, they would like to purchase 52 ac ft from our other purpose acres to fill it. The colony already pumps from the Ridge to fill other dugout they have so no new agreement is needed from Alberta Environment.
The Board discussed the request, but before approving the request, the Board asked for additional information. Jason will discuss with OK Colony and report back at the next Board meeting.
- Main Canal Discussions – Jason reported:
Jason reminded the Board that discussions to update the main canal agreement are scheduled for this fall. The Board has developed a good working relationship with SMRID and we hope to reach an agreement that all parties are happy with.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for August 17, 2022 or September 21, 2022 depending on weather and harvest.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.