- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
- The Minutes of the February 16, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
9 Mile & North – we have now received all of pipe and fittings for the project. The crew has started working 9 hour days to get pipeline completed by mid-April. At this point, our goal is to get all of the pipe in the ground. The crew will try and hook it up to the Welling canal, but we may have to wait until the fall to tie it in.
RS4 – There are just a few odds and ends left to fully complete the RS4 project.
- Irrican – Kelvin Kado reported:
Our annual audit is underway. The auditors were here March 15, 2022 for the field visit. The exit meeting is scheduled for March 23 at 9:00 a.m.
Rate enforcement: 3 accounts are to be rate enforced. #1035, #1008, and #1271.
Statements have been sent out, with a note that legal action will be taken if not brought up to date by April 1, 2022
- Truck update – Jason reported:
The new trucks are still on order, but Raymond Motors advised us the trucks will not be available for several months. We are making plans to do some repairs on the existing trucks we have so that we can operate this season.
- Snowpack Report:
The Board reviewed the most recent snowpack report, which showed the snowpack looking good.
- Project planning update – Jason reported:
- Cross Coulee Pipeline – The design is almost finalized. As soon as easement maps and landowner commitment letters are signed, pipe will be ordered.
- GPS – The irrigator meeting held last month went well. Irrigators are in support of the project.
- Stirling 18 extension – The project is finished.
- Welling #5 to Hill – This project will be postponed until next fall because pipe will not be available until them. We are planning a landowner meeting for the acre owners affected by this line in May.
- Etzikom Weir line – The project is underway and will be ready for the irrigation season.
- Underdrain repairs – The underdrains in the Raymond canal are getting old and need to start being replaced. While we were waiting for pipe this winter we replaced one. Another one is planned to be replaced this spring before water turns on.
- Seminar & AGM Preparations – Jason reported:
Jason shared the agendas for the seminar and AGM, reviewed the PowerPoint presentations (particularly, the public information portion of the seminar), and reviewed assignments and other preparations for the meetings.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
John reported a concern he received from the UID with respect to some discussion points from the last AIDA executive meeting. John will follow up with UID and invite them to submit their opinion to the AIDA executive.
- Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”) – Jason reported:
Other districts are in the process of ordering pipe. RID will work on ordering our pipe for next year’s projects within the next month.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for April 13, 2022.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:55 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.