- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
- The Minutes of the January 19, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
9 Mile & North – several loads of 1050 pipe have been received and a few more on are on the way.
RS4 – The pump shack is poured, plumbed in, and framed. Tin will be ordered this week.
- Irrican – Kelvin Kado reported:
We are in the middle of preparing the RID year-end. Our goal is to have the financial binder to auditors by next Friday February 25, 2022. T-4’s have been completed.
We are in discussion with ATB to improve their commitment letter offer to us. Kelvin will be meeting with the ATB rep to discuss and work out some details, improving account interest and service charges.
CIB progress certificates are completed and submitted up to December 2021.
We have several ads in the upcoming Westwind Weekly: Plebiscite notice in the February 17 issue, AGM and seminar ad in the March 3 issue, and, SE 9-7-19-W4 land addition to the district was in the January 20 issue.
Kelvin’s new computer is up and running. We are getting ready to restructure our computer system so that files are on a server system so the Manager and Accountant can access the financial records and templates.
The winter party was successful and well received.
- Truck update – Jason reported:
The new trucks are still on order. We anticipate they will arrive in late February or March.
- Snowpack Report:
The Board reviewed the most recent snowpack report, which showed the snowpack looking good, but still has room to grow, especially from spring snow.
- Project planning update – Jason reported:
- Cross Coulee Pipeline – Additional land owners have expressed a desire to be added to the project. The original plan included them so we are happy they now want to be part of the project.
- GPS – Irrigator information meeting is scheduled for Monday February 28, 2022. Kelvin will be mailing out an information package this week.
- Stirling 18 extension – Pipe has been received and the project well underway. We are hoping to be finished by mid-next week.
- Welling #5 to Hill – Easements have been successfully obtained and design is wrapping up. This project will likely not happen until next season; however, if pipe can be obtained and a contractor for the project and road crossings can be found, the project may go forward this spring.
- Etzikom Weir line – Easements are still needed for this project.
- Chin Expansion & RID Plebiscite Discussion:
The Board discussed the Chin reservoir expansion and the related plebiscite. The Board decided to proceed with a public meeting regarding possible expansion on March 24, 2022. The public meeting will be in conjunction with the AGM.
- AGM Preparations – Discussion:
The Board discussed the agenda for the seminar and AGM. The seminar portion will consist of a presentation from Western Solar, a maintenance report from Cody, and presentations regarding Chin expansion and the resulting plebiscite.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
The Raymond Director brought forward an inquiry from an individual interested in purchasing the west portion of SW 16-6-21-W. The purchaser would like to have permanent irrigation acres for the parcel. The parcel is 46 acres and the RID bylaws prohibit permanent acres being placed on parcels under 50 acres. The Board discussed the situation and agreed the bylaw cannot be changed or waived. Instead, the idea was discussed to provide an annual acre agreement so that the parcel can be irrigated.
- Irrigable Unit Resolution
- 33-6-19-W4
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the resolution making 33-6-19-W4 an irrigable unit, is approved.
- Household Purposes Agreements
- Plan 4489J; Block 84
- Plan 7410268
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, household purposes agreements are approved for parcels: Plan 4489J; Block 84 & Plan 7410268.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for March 16, 2022.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM on motion by Craig Palmer.