April 13, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights
  • The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
  • The Minutes of the March 16, 2022 and March 24, 2022 board meetings were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.

Business Arising

  • O&M Report and AIM Project Update:

9 Mile & North – We are finished pipelining for the season. The line will be hooked up to the Welling canal next winter.

RS4 – There are just a few odds and ends left to fully complete the RS4 project.

Maintenance – The crew will be spending the next few weeks doing maintenance work to get the system ready for spring water.

  • Staffing Update:

The new office clerk position will be advertised in the next 2 issues of Westwind Weekly and the Raymond Expressions. Applications will be accepted until the end of April, followed by interviews in the first week of May. The new person will start around mid-May.

  • Irrican – Jason read Kelvin Kado’s report:

We are preparing for the start of the new year. Once I get back, I will have a proposal for investing excess funds for the next ICPC board meeting on April 28, 2022. We may want to propose changes to line items in the ICPC financial statement and add solar income and expense line items.

Three accounts are to be rate enforced: #1035, #1008, #1271. Statements have been sent out, with a note that legal action will be taken if not brought up to date by April 1, 2022, time has expired and registered letters have been sent out to the irrigators. Payments are due by April 26, 2022 before legal action is commenced.

  • Snowpack Report and Water Supply Forecast:

The Board reviewed the most recent snowpack report, which showed the snowpack looking good. They also reviewed the water supply forecast provided by Alberta Agriculture.

  • Project planning update – Jason reported:
    • Cross Coulee Pipeline – We are preparing to obtain the final easements and order pipe.
    • GPS – The engineer is working on the pressure reduction valves. Jason reported that irrigators visited the RID and suggested a plan to complete in conjunction with the GPS to help with drainage in the area surrounding where the manifold will be. The board agreed to review options to assist with the drainage in the area.  
    • Welling #5 to Hill – This project will be postponed until next fall because pipe will not be available until them. We are planning a landowner meeting for the acre owners affected by this line in May.  
    • Underdrain repairs – Another underdrain will be replaced within the next week.

  • Plebiscite Review:

The Board discussed the 100% votes in favor of expansion. Everyone was extremely pleased at the show of support for expansion.

New Business

  • Directors’ Items:

The Board discussed putting something on our website to encourage individuals who are interested in subdividing a parcel of land to consult with the RID office staff so that they understand the implications of subdividing on their irrigation acres.

  • Rural Health Initiative:

It has been almost 1 year since our first rural health initiative day. We are scheduled for our 2nd and final day on May 17. Participates will receive an email with a link to schedule an appoint on May 17.

  • AIDA Executive Meeting Report – JTF

The highlights from the last executive meeting include:

  • AIDA continues to work on strengthening government relationships and put forth irrigation issues to the provincial and federal government.
  • The executive has developed a proposal to invite our indigenous neighbors to join AIDA. This is will be presented and discussed at the AIDA AGM.
  • The Alberta AG Research farm will be taken over by the Lethbridge College. They would like a letter of recommendations from AIDA on how to improve the irrigation research on the research farm.
  • Inter-district tours may be done via drone in the future to save time and money.
  • The AIM projects will be having some pipe supply issues. Districts will have to coordinate the ordering and delivery of pipe.
  • Annual Resolutions:

Jason presented the annual resolutions, which included the key items of: setting the farm gate allocation to 16”/acre, setting our annual water rate at $18/acre, and setting the capital charge at $2,000/acre.

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the annual resolutions as presented are approved the RID Board of Directors.

  • 2022 Budget:

Jason presented the annual budget.

On motion made by Rod Wendorff carried, the 2022 budget is approved by the Board of Directors.

  • 8-1 Crop Damages:

Jason discussed damages that occurred from the construction of the 8-1 pipeline to an parcel of land. The board discussed an equitable amount to cover the damages.

  • Annual Agreements:

Jason presented 2 annual agreements:

  • 168 acres on SE 4-7-21-W4
    1. 46 acres on SW 16-6-21-W4

On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the board approved annuals agreement for 168 irrigation acres on SE 4-7-21-W4 and 46 irrigation acres on SW 16-6-21-W4.

  • Transfer of Acres:
  • 35 acres from SE 19-6-20-W4 to NE 16-7-21-W4

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board of Directors approves of the transfer of 35 irrigation acres from SE 19-6-20-W4 to NE 16-7-21-W4.

  • Alternate Parcel Agreements:
    • 100 acres from NW 19-6-20-W4 to NE 22-6-19-W4
    • 10 acres from SW 18-7-20-W4 to NW 12-6-21-W4

On motion made by John McKee and carried, the Board of Directors approves the alternative parcel agreements to transfer 100 irrigation acres from NW 19-6-20-W4 to NE 22-6-19-W4 and 10 irrigations from SW 18-7-20-W4 to NW 12-6-21-W4 for the 2022 irrigation season.

  • Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”) – Jason reported:

Districts recognize the need to work together to optimize pipe orders for the AIM projects.  

  • Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is set for May 18, 2022.

Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.