September 26, 2012 RID Board Meeting Highlights

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday September 26, 2012 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.

Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman,John McKee Vice Chairman, Alan Heggie Director and Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk. Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager were absent due to work load.

IRP Project Update given by Gordon ZoBell.

Water Management Special Funding IRP 2146 – A letter has been sent to Roger Hohm asking for an eight month extension of project completion.

IRP 2240 – Welling #5 – Suncore is on site and will be done coring hwy 52 today. Two loads of 36 inch pipe will arrive from IPEX on Friday September 28th 2012.

RID Maintenance report – Nothing to report this meeting.

Irrican –  Power Pool prices have been far better this past month, so generation at the 45&6 plant is making more revenue than earlier. Regular generation from all three plants income should be adequate to meet all cash flow needs and more, for the coming year. October is prep time for Irrican year end

RID Financial Report – Written report supplied by Kelvin Kado – There were a couple of corrections to the assessment billing, two addresses were incorrect; and there was some confusion with the transfer of irrigation acres and land from Mike Mehew to Mehew Farms and Ranches. All has been corrected. Receipt report August 1 – September 25; collected $108,401.29. I would expect a large amount of funds to be coming in by October 31, 2012. History shows about 70%. Accounting for funds with the new Eagle program works slick, with assessment billing out and as we print a receipt that it is posted to the correct G/L  account.  ATB financial: letter confirming special arrangements for the accounts, no change from last year.

Plebiscite Vote – The board discussed the pros and cons of holding a vote. They will continue to think about this item and make a firm decision soon. The RID crew still need to complete the DIDIT information for modelling.

RID GPS – nothing to report, no word from the CCEMC. (note: after the board meeting word was received that the RID application was not accepted by CCEMC)

Irrigation Council – Irrigation Act Review – Gordon attended another meeting on September 7, 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Lethbridge. He went over the items raised at the meeting for the RID boards understanding.  Council has also changed the IRP design manual and Gordon went over the changes with the board.


Advisory Committee meeting report – Byron and Gordon attended a meeting on September 24, 2012 at the SMRID board room. Byron noted that all of the main canal sloughs have been repaired at a cost of just over two million dollars. Funding came from Provincial Disaster Services. There was $35,000.00 that was not funded for supervisory time spent. The water shut off date for 2012 will be October 10, 2012. Storage issues were discussed and it was noted that additional storage would be to supply municipal and industrial users. The drainage concern on the main canal to protect Ridge and Chin Reservoirs was discussed. There are two sites that are best suited, one downstream of Chin Reservoir and one into the Walter Coulee at the northern end of the RID. The issue seems to be getting a little cold and a meeting will be held soon with the County of Taber. The cost to operate and maintain the main canal has been $1.55 per acre per year. This will remain unchanged for the coming season. Water quality was reviewed in Ridge reservoir. It is felt that the Town of Raymond has a better handle on the operation of their new plant this year, and there have been very little concerns with regard to taste and odour issues. Farm Bridge weights across the main canal were also discussed and more information will be forthcoming at a later date regarding this issue.

RID Human Rights Policy – The manager noted that a policy should be approved by the RID board regarding this issue. The board authorized the manager to prepare a policy for future review and possible approval.

Dennis Jensen – Gordon noted that Dennis would like to move the old Graham home located in NE-9-6-20-W4 to an area east of Perrett Park in SW-9-6-20-W4. Dennis has requested access across the RID canal over the Corner Lake turnout gate crossing. The board did not approve the crossing at this time but asked Gordon to request more information from Dennis. 1) Why not move the home to lots on the north side of the canal within his existing subdivision. 2) If he wants it on the south side of the canal why not move the home to the east side of the parcel where county road access is available. Gordon will take care of getting answers from Dennis for the next board meeting.

AAFRD – Water Safety Brochure – Gordon went over a brochure recently put out by AAFRD. The brochure is aimed primarily at market gardeners who sell their produce to the public and of the importance of avoiding pathogens in water within their operations.

House hold Purposes agreement – SE-8-6-18-W4 – Brian and Jessie Goodfellow of 26 Notre Dame Road Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3Z8. The board approved this application on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.

Next meeting date –October 17, 2012.