October 17, 2012 Board Meeting Highlights

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday October 17, 2012 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.

Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman,John McKee Vice Chairman, Alan Heggie Director and Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk. Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager.

The Agenda for the October 17, 2012 meeting was approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.

The Minutes of the, September 26, 2012 board meeting were approved on motion by Alan Heggie and carried.


Water Management Special Funding IRP 2146 – Roger Hohm has asked for more information regarding the project before he will consider another extension of the completion date. The information has been sent to Roger and we are awaiting word from him.

IRP 2240 – Welling #5 – PVC pipe has been installed through the Hwy 52 casing pipe. Twelve loads of 36 inch diameter PVC pipe have arrived to date with three more arriving tomorrow. Construction will commence with laying the pipe in about two weeks.

RID Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed a slide presentation to the board outlining maintenance work completed over the past month and also of the W#5 highway bore. The outlet from the Hwy 52 Beef dam was eroding badly and the area was cut back and filled with concrete rubble material. The outlet is now in very good condition for approximately 100 feet downstream of the outlet.

Irrican – report from Kelvin Kado – We are beginning to prep for the year end. I have met our new auditors from MNP. Our lead auditor from last year transferred to Fort McMurray for a promotion to partner. As usual we met with the auditors at Paradise Canyon for our initial meeting. We expect all documents to go to the auditors by the first week in December with Audit to be concluded by Mid January. Income to September 30, 2012, 95674925 kw-hours = $6,462,140.00 to cover cash requirement to June 15 of next year we need income of $6.300, 000. So that has been met, we should also be getting another $600,000 for October generation, that along with Enviro Recs and Fortis option “M” payments  which should total about $630,000. For our ACFA loans 2012 has been the year of the flop. Which means that we are paying more against loan principle than we are on loan interest.

RID Financial Report – From Kelvin Kado –  Assessment billing has gone well, all necessary changes were made and income is coming in steady. As noted before total assessment was $498,819. Current A/R is $370,227.  We have sent reminder statements out on October 15. The statements do note the full amount outstanding as does the A/R balance, not the discounted amount.  Still noting that there is $15,563.13, that is late accounts from prior to 2012 assessment. Will send out statements again around December 1, with the program it takes about 5 minutes to print out the statements.  Heartlinq is working on amending the assessment report so that the number of acres is totalled on the report. Thus next year’s assessment will have that enhancement and other uses, leases noted as well. Insurance confirmation from Western Financial group was received, with no changes to the policies. Just a note, Vehicle premium was down about $700 from 2011. There are some accounting guidelines being brought in and we may have to change some of our reporting, will be checking with Doug Wilde to see how that affects us.

Plebiscite Vote –The board noted that they would like more time to consider this vote and to be able to discuss its merit with key water users.

RID GPS – It was noted that the CCEMC had not selected the RID, EOI for funding consideration.

Irrigation Council – Irrigation District Fees and Rates for 2012 – Gordon provided a  copy of this information to the board for their records.

AIPA November 26, 27, 28, 2012 Conference in Calgary – Byron, Alan, Gordon, Mark and Kelvin will attend. Some spouses may attend the banquet as well.

Dennis Jensen – Re: access across the RID canal just north of Perrett Park. After investigating the R/W ownership at this area it was noted that the R/W in that area is owned by the Town of Raymond. The RID board therefore does not have jurisdiction here. It was however noted that the Town and the RID will be exchanging some R/W in this area sometime in the future and this portion of R/W could be owned by the RID. At the present time Mr. Jensen must approach the town with regard to access.


RID Proposed Policies – Working Alone and Harassment – The board reviewed the drafts of these proposed policies and asked for some changes to the Working Alone policy. They feel we need to be more specific in the area of “checking up”. The information requested will be added to the policy and will be presented again at the next board meeting.

Remembrance Day – On motion by Alan Heggie the board approved allowing a day off for RID employees even if Remembrance Day falls on a weekend. The motion was carried.

Next meeting date – November 21, 2102 at the RID board room.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:29 PM on motion by Alan Heggie.