- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- The Minutes of the April 17, 2024 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and AIM Project Update:
Cody shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. The status reported on each project is as follows:
9 Mile & North – Pipe and fittings for phase 4 have been ordered. We are now working on obtaining the necessary easements. Landowners are fully aware of the project, but we need the proper easements before commencing construction in the fall.
Gravity Pressure Pipeline System (“GPS”) (AIM Project) – Darin Wilde is adding mainline to the GPS modelling. We hope to have the model ready for peer review by early summer.
New Dayton CPR Crossing (IRP 2393) – We are excited that CPKC has scheduled the project for the week of October 21, 2024. We had hoped to have the project completed for the 2024 season, but we are happy CPKC is moving forward and we will hopefully have the project done before the end of the year.
8-2 (Internally Funded Project) – Phase 1 is completed except for adding the screen and final landscaping. We are planning to complete this by the end of May.
Smith Estates (Owner Funded) – We had insufficient support to continue with the project as planned. The Board reviewed the project and decided to decrease the scope by eliminating delivery to the far NW users. This will decrease the users from 10 to 8, but reduce the cost by 40%.
Chin Chute Rehabilitation (IRP 2392) – Nothing new to report.
- Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast:
The Board reviewed the most recent reservoir report and snow pack report from the government. The headworks storage has increased to 51% compared to 37% last month.
- Irrican Update:
Chin and Drop 4,5,6 plants are up and running. They are not running at full capacity because flow in the canal is lower than normal because the decreased demand and the goal to try and fill all reservoirs. The Raymond plant will be down from May 24-28 so that Fortis can complete transformer testing.
There are still 3 HPA users that have not made payment arrangements for their arrears. Staff will try one more time to arrangement payment. If unsuccessful, the staff will cap their risers.
- Water Sharing MOU’s:
The MOU’s are in effect and MOU signatories have agreed the MOU for the Southern Tributaries is in effect. Municipalities are voluntarily reducing use by 5%-10%, while districts are collectively maintaining the same allocation of 8”/acre.
- Updated IRP 3 Year Plan:
Jason presented the updated IRP 3 year plan with changes to the 9 Mile phase 4 project. It now includes converting the WS4 into a closed pipeline for the first 800 m. This will eliminate the need to continue to use WS4 until a system is installed on NE 16-7-21-W4.
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves the amended 2024 IRP 3 Year Plan.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
No director items were brought forward.
- Pipe for 18-6-19-W4:
An irrigator purchased land in 18-6-19-W4 and has made arrangements with all of the landowners in that section to replace their irrigator systems with a large section pivot. This will reduce several flood turnouts and improve the land productivity. There is a drain that runs through part of the parcel and the irrigator would like to replace the drain with a pipeline. Part of the drain was previously changed to a pipelining. The RID has sufficient pipe in stock, which the RID could provide to the irrigator at cost. The irrigator will pay for and install the pipe.
The Board was supportive of the project and agreed to sell the excess pipe to the irrigator at cost.
- Stampede Donation:
The Raymond Stampede Society has asked the RID to once again sponsor the annual stampede.
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the RID Board approves donating $2,000 to the Raymond Stampede Society for the 2024 annual stampede.
- Annual Agreements Requests:
The RID has received the following annual agreements requests:
- 30 acres for NE 34-5-20-W4
- 30 acres for SE 34-5-20-W4
On motion by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves the above noted annual agreements.
- Alternate Parcel Agreement Requests:
The district received the following alternate parcel requests:
- 3 acres from I0172 to I0207
- 18 acres from I0172 to I0590
- 4 acres from I0172 to I0381
- 54 acres from I0006 to I0163
- 21 acres from I0007 to I0163
- 48 acres from I0526 to I0163
- 39 acres from I0522 to I0163
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID Board approves the alternate parcel requests as noted above.