September 20, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights
  • The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
  • The Minutes of the July 21, 2023 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.

Business Arising

  • O&M Report and AIM Project Update:

Cody shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. The status reported on each project is as follows:

9 Mile & North –The pipe has been laid out and we will begin pipelining on Tuesday October 10.

GPS – Nothing new to report for the GPS project.

New Dayton CPR Crossing – The geotechnical report has been completed and the engineer is now completing the CPKC application process.

Smith Estates – The Smith estates are the acreages south of township 70 and west of highway 5. These are the acreages south of the Hill estate acreages where a HPA line was installed this summer. We were unable to complete a HPA line to the Smith estates this year so we are planning on having their line completed next spring.  

Maintenance – The Cross Coulee pipeline had a blow out a few days ago. The blow out is next to the location the pipe failed in the spring. The cause of the problem is unknown. The engineer recommends that we over excavate the site, bed the replacement pipe, and install an air relieve. We plan on letting the area dry and then the RID will proceed with the recommendations from the engineer.

We have a lot of maintenance planned for this fall including riser replacements, valve replacements, adjustments to the 7-1 line, culvert replacements, and fall weed spraying.

  • Irrican – Jason reported:

The preliminary revenue numbers for the 2023 operating season show revenue of $15.6M. This is great, especially since the plants have been off/running at minimal flows for the last few weeks. The season will end up being 1 ½ -2 months shorter than normal because the reduced water flowing in the main canal.  

Annual billings have been sent out. The process of our new water management program (Water Wizard) working with Quickbooks to complete the billings has been successful. There were a few issues, but Amanda double checked most invoices to ensure the process worked.

  • Staffing:

We have staffing in place for our pipelining season. We welcome back Brian Rarick, Daniel Still, Gordon Coppieters, and Phil Wilde. We have also hired Brody Powlesland as a trench worker.

The Board expressed their appreciation to staff for their hard work over a difficult season.

  • Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast / RID Diversion / DDIT:

Water is scheduled to be turned off this Friday, September 22. We anticipate that we will use approximately 53,500 ac ft of water this year. That is approximately 11.9”/acre.

The Board reviewed the reservoir report supplied by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation. Headwork storage is at 14% full and the SMRID storage is at 44%. The combined storage is 26% of full.

The Board discussed the concerns about water shortages for next year. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture has already communicated with districts the need to begin drafting a water sharing agreement under the Water Act for the 2024 irrigation season. The last Water Sharing Agreement was in 2001. In our next meeting the Board will review that agreement so that we are prepared for discussions with the GOA and other districts that will occur this fall/winter.

  • Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:

Nothing to report.

  • Equipment

The crew is installing the new shed. A cement foundation and pad have been poured for the new shed. The purpose of the shed is to store an inventory of larger fittings for repairs and maintenance.

The new excavator has been ordered and should arrive by the end of the month.

Jason discussed with the board the purchase of a new crew truck. It is a 2012 F350 crew cab with a deck for approximately $6,000.

On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the RID Board approves the purchase of the 2012 F350 crew cab.


New Business

  1. Directors’ Items:

Concerns were raised about drainage issues in SW 10-6-21-W4. There is a natural drain in the parcel that the RID went through while installing pipe for the 9 Mile project. The RID will review the situation and help address any issues that the pipeline developed.  

  • AIDA Executive Meeting:

Jason attended that last AIDA executive meeting on behalf of John. Jason reported:

  • AIDA has been working with DFO to obtain new licenses to dewater our canals and work on reservoirs. Until the new licenses are obtained, DFO is allowing districts to operate under our expired licenses. AIDA requested that all districts notify DFO of their canal dewatering.
  • AIDA will be submitting budget requests, which will include a request to increase IRP funding.
  • The Lethbridge College is organizing the annual Irrigated Crop Production Conference on January 18, 2024. They are asking for volunteers from the irrigation community to help plan the event.
  • The 2024 AIDA conference is scheduled for February 5-7 and is to be held in Lethbridge. AIDA is asking for volunteers to help plan the conference.
  • Annual Agreement Requests – Jason presented the following requests:
  • T0247 NE 16-6-17-W4 (Wauters)

On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the above noted annual agreement requests are approved for the 2023 irrigating season.

  • HPA Requests – Jason presented the following requests:
  1. Plan 0811686, Block 2, Lot 7 (Ottoson – Hill Estates)
  2. Plan 0815880, Block 3, Lot 3 (Godberson – Hill Estates)
  3. Plan 0811686, Block 2, Lot 3 (Millhouse – Hill Estates)
  4. Plan 0811686, Block 2, Lot 6 (Klien – Hill Estates)
  5. Plan 1112585, Block 2, Lot 1 (Almasri – pump from canal)
  6. Plan 2011985, Block 1, Lot 1 (Martin – cross coulee line)

On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the above noted HPA requests are approved.

  • Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is set for October 18, 2023.

Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm on motion by Craig Palmer.