August 17, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights
  • The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
  • The Minutes of the July 17, 2022 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.

Business Arising

  • O&M Report and AIM Project Update:

Water will be slowing down over the next few weeks, which will enable staff to complete some needed repairs. There have been a lot of repairs this year due to aging infrastructure. Some of the original pipelines installed are reaching their 25-35 year mark so risers, valves, and anything metal on those lines are reaching the point to be replaced.

  • Staffing – Class 1 Updated – Jason reported:

Ben Richards and Dave Powelson will start their class 1 training on September 8. We were approved for the CAGJ grant, which will cover 75% of the training costs.  

  • Irrican – Jason and Amanda reported:

Irrican has been performing well. Power produced from the beginning of the season to now is approximately 3,807 MW. There have only been a handful of down days this season. The Raymond plant will be undergoing a major computer and controls upgrade this winter, which will be very expensive. The computer and controls in the Chin plant will be upgraded in the following year.

The assessment roll for 2022 has been completed. Revenue will start to be collected over the coming months. The Cross Coulee pipeline invoices will be sent out by the end of the month.

  • Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast / RID Diversion:

The Board reviewed the most recent reservoir report and RID diversions to date. Reservoirs throughout the system are doing excellent. Storage levels are starting to decrease and fall in line with fall rule curves. RID diversion to date is approximately 39,000 ac ft.    

  • Project planning update – Darin Wilde from Wilde Brothers Engineering attended this portion of the meeting and shared information with the Board. Jason and Darin reported:
    • 9 Mile & North – No additional update from last meeting.
    • Cross Coulee Pipeline – Pipe is ordered and we will be receiving some over the next few weeks. Jenex is hoping to start construction by October 1.  
    • GPS – Darin Wilde has found some similar GPS systems west of Portland. We are working on arranging a visit to see how their system works.  
    • Welling #5 to Hill – No additional update from the last meeting.
    • Hwy 52 Dam – supplies are ordered for this project and work will begin on August 29.
    • New Dayton CPR Crossing – Our New Dayton lateral crosses the CPR track at mile 38.95 of the Montana subline. There are two culverts: one is plugged or collapsed and the other is in need of replacing. We have meet with CPR twice to discuss options to replace the culverts. CPR prefers to assist with the culvert change and allow us to open cut the track. We will have 6 hours to complete the replacement. The original agreement dates back to the early 1980’s so they require a new engineered plan and agreement. Darin Wilde is working on a new plan for the culvert replacement. We are hoping to complete this project this fall.

  • Irrigating Alberta Inc. (“IAI”)– Jason reported:

There has not been an IAI meeting since our last Board meeting so nothing new to report.

  • OK Colony – Other Purposes Agreement – Jason reported:

We are working with OK Colony to get more details about their new dugout, including size, purpose and proposed filling schedule. We will work to have those details for the next Board meeting.

  • Emergy – Jason reported:

We approached Emergy with proposed changes to their proposal, including a reduced commitment timeframe of only 2 years rather than 5 years. Emergy agreed to the changes and we have now signed a letter of intent with them to explore the possibility of adding hydro powered turbines into our canals.

New Business

  • Directors’ Items:

The Directors brought forward 3 items for discussion:

  • 9 Mile/GPS Drainage – When the GPS system is installed irrigators are hoping to use the old Welling Main canal as a drainage ditch to collect runoff and subsurface water off of field close to the canal. The Board discussed the item and recognize that the canal currently collects a significant amount of runoff from the south and prevents flooding to the north. The design of the GPS system will need to include a drainage plan for runoff water that is currently diverted and controlled via the Welling canal. Subsurface water is another issue. In order to obtain approve for drainage, Alberta Environment would have to be consulted and provide approval. In addition, the drainage would contain high concentration of salts, which would flow through the Welling Main canal to the 9 Mile canal and into the Main canal. This is concerning and unlikely that the main canal partners would approve of such drainage.
  • Cattle Death on Ridge – 25 cattle died of dehydration at the Ridge within the last 2 weeks. Somehow a rope holding down the intake of a pump was cut, causing the pump to run dry and burn up, which caused the cattle to be without water. The Board discussed the incident and expressed their heartfelt sorrow to the owner for the death of the cattle.
  • Canola Producers of Alberta – Christine McKee is on the Canola Producers of Alberta Board. Two representatives from Edmonton came to Southern Alberta to gain a better understanding of Canola produced here and to see how irrigation impacts the production. Christine showed the representatives a great time. One of their stops was to the RID office. Cody showed them the map of the RID and explained irrigation to them. Christine was very pleased with the experience and felt like the representatives learned a lot about Southern Alberta and irrigation.   
  • New Acre Allocation – Jason reported:

New acre allocations applications are due by October 15. We have already received a number of applications and expect several more by October 15. The Board will review the applications in the October Board meeting.

  • Trailer and Packer Purchase – Jason reported:

The Board previously approved purchase a packer from Llyod Dennis. Jason and Cody will visit with Lloyd and see if the packer is still available.

Ron and Bill Bullock are selling a 935 Versatile tractor for $10,000. Over the last few years we have rented Ryan Chipman’s tractor and high speed disc to help smooth out trenches after pipelining. It has been challenging as Ryan is trying to use his equipment to begin seeding when we need it to smooth out the trench. The tractor would give the RID some flexibility and control over smoothing the trench.

On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the RID Board approves purchasing Ron and Bill Bullock’s 935 Versatile tractor for $10,000.

  • Household Purposes Agreement – Jason presented the following HPA request:
    • SW 20-6-20-W4
    • NW 28-6-19-W4
    • Plan 4489, Block 122, Lot 1,2

On motion made by Rod Wendorff and carried, the Board approved the above noted HPAs.

  • Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is set for October 19, 2022.

Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:50am on motion by Rod Wendorff.