- The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
- The Minutes of the May 19, 2021 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Business Arising
- O&M Report and IRP Project Update:
Cody Heggie showed a slide presentation of the work performed over the past month. Water demand is high. Our ditch riders are very busy performing their duties. As time has permitted, the staff have completed necessary repairs and a few custom jobs.
- Irrican – Kelvin Kado reported:
Power pool prices have been better this spring compared to the last few years at this same time. We had to pay TransAlta $73,000 to cover the difference between a hedged price and actual pool prices. All plants are running at near capacity. The current chequing account balance is $3.8M. April generation resulted in revenue received in May of $258,288. May generation will be received June 26th.
- RID financial – Kelvin Kado reported:
Solar arrays are in construction. The office building is virtually completed and R7-1 is partially done. At the R7-1 site some of the fence had to be taken down and the west fence needs to be moved about 40’ west, to the RID property line. Western Solar will be starting the pilings for R8-2 Friday or Monday. R8-2 completion is schedule for mid July and online in August. We will have to wait on FORTIS to change the meters to 2 way meters. Once we get the timing from FORTIS we can get ready to change power providers and move to Ridge Utilities with the dual pricing contract.
A review of power charge changes to R7-1 and R8-2 irrigators to be presented at the July board meeting. We anticipate a notice and agreement to be sent to irrigators by fall for their acknowledgement and signatures.
We are working on the land trade around factory lake. Currently, we are waiting on the surveyor.
- Common Carrier Agreement Update – John and Jason reported:
At this point, discussions around the agreement have been paused with the commencement of the farming season; however, TID and SMRID have reached a tentative agreement to amalgamate. At this point it is unclear how this will impact the agreement. In the coming weeks/months the board will have to decide how to proceed with SMRID to reach an agreement.
- CIB/Government of Alberta Program Update – Jason reported:
Closing of the second-round projects is scheduled for the end of July. RID staff have fully submitted all required documents for the CIB’s due diligence process to-date.
- Hoferland Review – Jason reported:
The Manager suggested changing the name of the Hoferland pipeline to Cross Coulee 2 (“CC2”). This will follow the naming convention of other RID infrastructure. The Board agreed to the change.
Jason shared a map outlining the proposed phase 1 of CC2 and estimated project cost completed by Wilde Bros. Engineering.
An information session is scheduled for July 5, 2021 at 2:00 pm at the Raymond Ag Society Red Barn. Notices will be out to landowners within a few days. Interested parties will then have until July 19, 2021 to submit and application for acres on the CC2 pipeline. At the July 21, 2021 the RID Board will review and conditionally approve the applications based on criteria set out to the landowners in the July 5 meeting. Successful applications will then have approximately 2 months to obtain a land classification. The engineer will then have approximately 1 year to design the line and construction will begin in the fall of 2022. This project will be tendered to a contractor in the spring/summer of 2022. The pipeline would be fully operations for the spring of 2023.
As part of this project a turnout agreement for Cross Coulee will need to be obtained from SMRID.
- RID Policy Manual Review:
The Board reviewed policies 41-56. Now all policies have been reviewed.
On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the RID Board of Directors approved the updated RID policy manual.
New Business
- Directors’ Items:
John McKee asked that RID staff be reminded to drive carefully and slow down, especially when passing others.
- Digitalizing the Office Records:
The RID will begin digitalizing office records this summer. A casual, temporary summer student will complete the project.
- Town of Raymond Green Strip – Jason Reported:
The Town of Raymond is working on renaming the Green Strip. Jason send a letter to the Town Councilors advising them that the Green Strip was the location of the original Raymond Main Canal up until the 1980’s. The original main canal brought water, life and prosperity to the early town settlement. The letter asked Council to consider that history when naming the Green Strip. The RID also offer to donate a large rock with a plaque outline the history of the canal somewhere on the Green Strip.
- Farm Gate Allocation:
Jason shared the latest farm gate allocation forecast from Alberta Agriculture. Despite the lack of moisture this spring, as a result of favorable reservoir levels they suggest a conservative farm gate allocation for RID can be 16”/per acre.
On motion made by John McKee and carried, the RID farm gate allocation is raised to 16”/acre for the 2021 irrigation season.
- Household Purposes Agreement (“HPA”) requests:
The RID has received HPA requests for 2 parcels:
- SE 31-6-19-W4, Plan 1812083, Block 1, Lot 4
- NW 17-6-20-W4, Plan 4489J, Block 190, Lot 1-10 Inclusive
On motion made by Craig Palmer, and carried, the RID Board approves the HPA agreements as presented.
- Alternative Parcel Agreements:
The RID has received alternative parcel agreements for the 2021 irrigating season as follows:
- 26 acres from NW 19-6-20-W4 to NE 26-6-21-W4
- 10 acres from NE 27-6-20-W4 to NE 36-5-21-W4
On motion made by John McKee, and carried, the RID Board approves the alternate parcel agreements as presented.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting is set for July 21, 2021.