July 21, 2021 Board Meeting Highlights

Held Wednesday July 21, 2021 commencing at 9:15 AM in the RID Board Room.

  • The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
  • The Minutes of the June 16, 2021 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.

Business Arising

  • O&M Report and IRP Project Update:

Cody Heggie showed a slide presentation of the work performed over the past month. Water demand has been very high so staff have been busy focusing on water delivery rather than R&M projects. Only emergency repairs were completed in the last few weeks.

Pipe for RS4 has been ordered. Pipe for the 9 mile & north line will be ordered in the next few weeks. We are starting to hire staff for the pipeline season.

  • Irrican – Kelvin Kado reported:

Irrican has $80,000 sitting as collateral with the AESO Credit Group. This is a requirement for working with AESO. Irrican has been generating high income this year so AESO Credit Group requires the collateral to go up to $280,000.

Irrican is on track to have one of the best revenue years in history. Power pool prices have been very strong. Fortis has notified us that over the next 5 years they will be eliminating option “M” revenue.  

The solar arrays are completed. The office building and R7-1 are operating. R8-2 has passed electrical inspection and is waiting on FORTIS to change the meter tow a two-way meter. We will be submitting an application to Ridge Utilities to sign up for their utility services. We will be part of the solar club, to take advantage of the sale pricing. We will transfer all of our utilities (including Natural Gas) from ENMAX around the first part of August.

Land trade around factory lake is nearing completion.

Assessment roll is being reviewed for August 15 billing,

Addition of acres to the district is proceeding and should be concluded by the end of September.

  • 7-1 / 8-2 Power Charges Review – Kelvin Kado reported:

It is anticipated that sufficient energy will be generated to completely eliminate a power charge to 7-1 / 8-2 users; however, the installation of the solar projects was paid for with RID funds from all irrigators so the RID will be charging a power fee to 7-1 and 8-2 irrigators.  The 5-year average annual power costs for 7-1 and 8-2 is $26,223 and $33,235 respectively. The Board discussed possible payment options and agreed to a fixed amount for 5 years. The fix amount will insulate the users from energy price increases and be consistent year to year. In addition, the Board felt charging 90% of the current 5-year average would be sufficient to provide a discount to the users, but would also help repay the district for investing in the solar power.

  • Water Forecast – Jason Miller reported:

Jason presented a slide show highlighting the headworks water levels. Alberta Environment and Parks has done a great job capturing water. Despite the dry heat, the headworks have above average water for this time of year.

  • Cross Coulee Pipeline Review – Jason reported:

Jason reported that attendance at the information meeting held on July was very poor. The application deadline was last Monday July 19, 2021 and only 2 applications were received. Various modifications to the project were discussed. The Board asked Jason to look into and review the modified options.

New Business

  • Directors’ Items:

There were no director items.

  • Irrigation Council Tour – July 18, 2021:

Irrigation Council will be visiting the RID on July 18, 2021 from 10:00 – 12:00. The RID Board is looking forward to the visit.

  • County of Warner Land Purchase:

In 2017 the RID agreed to purchase some right of way from the County of Warner. The paperwork was never completed. The Board reviewed the purchase and signed the purchase agreement.

  • Household Purposes Agreements (“HPA’s”):

The following HPA’s were applied for:

  1. Plan 0512787, Block 51, Lot 19
  2. Plan 2111011, Block 50, Lot 1

On motion made by Craig Palmer, and carried, the RID Board approves the HPA agreements as presented.

  • Alternative Parcel Agreements:

The RID has received alternative parcel agreements for the 2021 irrigating season as follows:

  1. 380 Acres on 7-6-16-W4
  2. 100 Acres on SE 17-6-17-W4
  3. 80 Acres on SW 17-6-17-W4
  4. 50 Acres on NW 17-6-17-W4
  5. 50 Acres on NE 17-6-17-W4
  6. 30 Acres on W1/2 35-5-15-W4
  7. 30 Acres on NE34-5-15-W4
  8. 130 Acres on NW 35-5-16-W4
  9. 180 Acres on NE17-6-16-W4 & 22-6-17-W4
  10. 42 Acres on SW 9-6-20-W4

On motion made by John McKee, and carried, the RID Board approves the alternate parcel agreements as presented.

  • Next Round of New Acres:

RID staff plan to release information for the next round of infill acres available for sale by the end of August 2021, with applications due by October 31, 2021 and approval by the Board completed by December 31, 2021.

  • Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is set for August 18, 2021 or September 15, 2021.

Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.