Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday April 15, 2020 commencing at 9:00AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer Vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Cody Heggie Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.
It should be noted that Provincial Health guidelines were followed during this meeting due to the CVOID-19 pandemic concerns.
BUISNESS ARISING Expansion and RID annual meeting – The board discussed when would be a possible date to hold the expansion meeting followed by the annual meeting missed earlier due to the pandemic. On motion by Craig Palmer the date of November 19, 2020 was set to hold the meeting. The meeting will be held in the Raymond Agricultural Society main building and will commence at 9:30 AM. A meal will be held for all attending at 12:00 noon. The RID 2019 annual meeting will then commence at 1:00 PM.
IRP Update – IRP 2341 – The 4th bay is being constructed at the Muskrat lake dam and will be finished soon.
IRP 2356 – R8-1 – Cody showed the board a slide presentation of work performed on the project over the past month. The project area has been leveled and a large screen box was constructed by RID crew members and is currently being installed at the inlet to the pipeline from Factory lake. The pipeline will be tested for leaks very soon.
Monthly Maintenance report – There is some drain ditch cleaning taking place north of temple hill in 29-6-20-W4.
Irrican – Irrican had its first virtual board meeting April 7, 2020 VIA Google Hangout. John, Gordon and Kelvin participated by computer. George Lohues will become the new SMRID chairman in May and will also take on the ICPC chairman position. Gary Tokariuk indicated that he will be off the SMRID board come May and will be replaced by another individual. The new SMRID Manager is David Westwood and will begin work May 1st and we indicated that Jason Miller will be starting May 1st as the new RID Manager and will work with Gordon until August 31, 2020. Reviewed the ICPC solar projects, it was discussed that we may want to take more time with the joint solar project with the County of Taber on abandoned gas well sites. Business continuity on the plant operation was discussed, should any or all of the operators become ill with COVID 19.
RID financial – Rate enforcement: customer numbers, 1271, 1063, 1295, 1175, 1234.
Letters went out March 20, 2020 as a reminder and indicate legal action will happen if the minimum amounts are not paid by April 17, 2020. Enforcement has been advertised in the Alberta gazette and the date for the return to be seen by the Court of Queens bench in Lethbridge is May 10, 2020.
Seminar and AGM Ag building, building is booked and paid for March 19, booking postponed till late fall.
Waiting on the reviewed financial audit, should be done today April 15.
R7-1 and R8-2 pipeline energy expenses were down from the previous 2 years, but they were similar to earlier years. (2014-2016)
2019 expense, R7-1 $17,238.55
2019 expense, R8-2 $23,941.03
R-15 energy was similar to past few years
Invoices have been sent to pipeline irrigators.
New RID Manager – Jason Miller will begin his employment with the RID commencing May 1, 2020. It is anticipated that Jason will assume full duties as manager of the RID September 1, 2020.
Directors Items – There were no directors items
RID 2020 Operating budget and By-laws.
RID 2020 budget – total estimated expenditures – $2,141,006.00
By-law 2020 – 2 – Being a rate by-law – unchanged at $16.00/acre
By-law 2020 – 3 – Being an agreements By-law – unchanged at $320.00
By-law 2020 – 4 – Being a By-law establishing the rate of renumeration and expenses to be paid to board members – unchanged – Chairman $350.00 Directors $325.00 per meeting. Mileage at 50.5 cents per kilometer.
By-law 2020 – 5 – Being a By-law to set the election date – as March 11, 2021 for the position of the Raymond area director.
By-law 2020 – 6 – Being a Capital assets charge by-law – $2000.00 per acre payable at no interest at $400.00 per acre per year.
By-law 2020 – 7 – Being a by-law establishing capital charges $2000.00 per acre foot.
By-law 2020 – 8 – By-law setting the date for an expansion limit plebiscite – November 26, 2020.
All were read three times and approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Annual Meeting for 2019 year – rescheduled for November 19, 2020
Bluegrass Hutterian Brethren – 10-acre feet for other purposes to be used for a hydroponic operation at the colony site for a fee of $2000.00 per acre foot. – Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Delco Hutterian Brethren – 15-acre feet for other purposes to be used for a hydroponic operation at the colony site for a fee of $2000.00 per acre foot. Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
RID Irrigation allocation to begin 2020 season – The board set the allocation at 16 inches at the farm gate.
Irrigation acre permanent transfer ID section 26 – From: 10 acres – SW-7-6-20-W4 parcel 10437 RID customer number 1301 To: 10 acres – SE-32-5-20-W4 parcel 10011 RID customer number 1104. Approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
RID CVOID-19 Business Continuity Plan dated March 25, 2020 – The plan was formally approved by the board and it was noted that Mark Jensen had made a commitment, as long as he is able, to assist with operating the RID works if it becomes necessary due to the sickness of employees.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 9:00 AM in the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting ended at 2:43 PM on motion by John McKee.