Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday March 18, 2020 commencing at 9:00AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer Vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Cody Heggie Operations and Kelvin Kado as needed.
It should be noted that Provincial Health guidelines were followed during this meeting due to the CVOID-19 pandemic concerns.
The Agenda for the March 18, 2020 meeting was approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Expansion – Gordon noted that under the boards direction and due to the COVID-19 pandemic the expansion meeting to be held March 19 and the expansion plebiscite vote scheduled for March 26, 2020 have been postponed. Gordon also noted that the RID annual meeting has also been postponed.
IRP Update – IRP 2341 – The RID crew will install another culvert at the Muskrat lake dam prior to water season 2020.
IRP 2356 – R8-1 – Cody showed the board a slide presentation of work performed on the project over the past month. The last connection of pipe was installed March 17, 2020. The project will now be cleaned up and spoil piles leveled and the inlet structure landscaped with metal fabrication at the structure completed and all turnout valves at the delivery points installed and completed.
Monthly Maintenance report – There was no maintenance done this past month, only IRP work.
Irrican – Nothing new to report, usual ongoing winter maintenance.
RID financial – Rate enforcement: customers 1271, 1063, 1295, 1175, 1234. Letters will be going out March 20, 2020 as a reminder and indicate legal action will take place if the minimum amounts are not paid by April 17, 2020. Seminar and AGM Ag building, building is booked and paid for March 19, booking postponed till late fall. 2019 audit has been completed financial report to be provided for exit review. Dustin Rarick terminated his employment with the RID at the end of day March 12, 2020. His final pay cheque was dated March 17 and ROE has been submitted. R7-1 and R8-2 pipeline energy expenses were down from the previous 2 years., but they were similar to earlier years. 2019 energy amounts are R7-1 $17,238.55, R8-2 $23,941.03.
New RID Manager – Gordon reported formally that Mr. Jason Miller has accepted the offer of employment given him by the RID board. He will begin his employment with the RID May 1, 2020. It is hoped that there will be a 4-month period where Gordon can train Jason and introduce him to his new responsibilities and stewardship.
Code of conduct – this item was deferred to the next board meeting.
Directors Items – Rod Wendorff questioned why the RID does not charge for gravity pressure on buried pipelines. Gordon noted that district pipelines are not designed to deliver gravity pressure. Gordon noted that he will ask other districts who are charging for pressure to share their policies with the RID. He will make this information available to the board when he receives it.
The board also discussed when they will hold the RID annual meeting. The date will be determined in the April meeting.
RID employees were also encouraged to be very careful with their hygiene and to follow Provincial guidelines. The worldwide pandemic is very concerning. It is very important that employees remain healthy and able to operate the irrigation infrastructure this coming season.
Employee wage review – Kelvin noted that the CPI for January 2019 to January 2020, which is the period the RID uses for wage review, was 3%. The board felt they should not approve any additional wage increase in light of the uncertainty of the current Provincial and National economic crisis.
Welling district water supervisor/operator – It was noted that Scot Blair was hired as a full-time employee beginning April 1, 2020. He has been employed with the RID since the fall of 2019.
Art Hudson – Gordon noted that he met with Jess Wilde February 24th to discuss details of the proposed agreement to be listed on each of Arts titles. Art requests that the RID pay for the registration costs which would be about $3000.00. Jess Wilde was of the firm opinion that the RID should register the agreement on title otherwise it would be very nearly impossible to carry out. The board determined that they would not be willing to pay the costs and that if Art wishes to proceed, he must pay the costs before the RID will give him the one-acre parcel, he was looking to acquire from the RID.
RID annual meeting and seminar have been postponed. Mark and Phil will be honored at a later date at their retirement.
Bluegrass Colony – 10- acre feet other purposes – deferred to next meeting
Delco 15-acre feet other purposes – deferred to next meeting
Dam Safety – Alberta Dam Safety Regulatory Framework will be reaching out to Irrigation districts to ensure a robust safety program is in place. Costs will be IRP eligible if required.
Irrigation acre transfer Section 26 ID Act – From: 5 irrigation acres from Clayton and Nicole Anderson NE-7-6-20-W4 parcel 10593. To: Paul Hofer NW-31-5-19-W4, SW-31-5-19-W4 LGL Sub 5&6 Parcel 10236 – 5 acres. Approved by the board on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
HPA – Herrick – 1004 42nd Av North Lethbridge AB T1H 6C1 – 60012 Range Rd 214 Welling station. Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Southern Alberta Summer Games – Town of Raymond looking for sponsors – The games will most likely be canceled due to the CVOID-19 pandemic but the board approved a $500.00 donation should the games proceed. On motion by John McKee carried.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at the RID board room.