November 27, 2018 board meeting highlights

Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Tuesday, November 27, 2018 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.


Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.


  1. IRP Project Update – Mark noted that the 2341 project is progressing. The third poured in place structure will be poured this week with the first and second drops being backfilled beginning this week. The Salmon road crossing will be replaced soon as well. The Jorgensen crossing will be completed after the Salmon crossing. The poured structures will continue on a schedule until completed.
  2. Gordon presented a more expanded view of his suggestion regarding the districts 3 year plan. He presented to the board, with information contributed from Darin Wilde, an outline of the district’s plan moving forward. He suggests that the board should look at the 8-1 block with the expanded deliveries as approved in the October 2018 board meeting but also to look at the RS-4 delivery block. He pointed out that the Stirling drain is a difficult channel to deliver water from due to its flat gradient. He also noted that the drains ability to act as a drain is severely hampered by the need to back water up to the west. If a second pipeline was installed following the R8-1 expanded pipeline project, the need to back water up in the drain would be eliminated as well as a large flow of water that is currently needed to make the delivers from the drain. This would allow for a much more efficient and timely delivery to the parcels receiving delivery from the Stirling drain currently and would greatly enhance water use efficiencies not to mention a huge improvement in the use of the Stirling drain as a drain. Gordon requested the board to include the RS-4 proposed pipeline in the 3 year plan to be constructed immediately after the expanded R8-1 project. He suggested that moving forward he would still like to see the priority remain for the Nine mile delivers in the Welling area but the project would be put back to allow the RS-4 pipe to go in. The board agreed to this concept and requested the manager to proceed with the 3 year plan as noted here. Gordon noted that he would have the 3 year plan completed for the board’s approval in the December 21, 2018 regular RID board meeting.


  1. Monthly Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of work performed this past month


  1. Irrican Power – from K Kado – Last month I projected income for 2018 as $7,872,396.00. I was under a little under, We have received $8,254.778 and have accrued receivable for FORTIS Option “M” for September and October of $120,000 for income of $8,374,778. We have $1,198,187 invested with RBC Dominion. We have $1,160,950 invested with ATB security. November 27 operating account balance $5,099,517. Total cash on hand $7,458.654. ATB loan payment taken out October 31. We are preparing 2018 year end, documentation to go to Joyce by the first of next week.


  1. RID financial – from K Kado – We have had a steady flow of payments, both cheques and EFT. Eft payments continue to increase each year. A/R $350,912. Pressuring Todd Fraser total account due $32,831 with 13910 to keep him out of rate enforcement which also affects Greg Dustan. Continuing to update the assessment roll
  2. Current and future employee situation – On motion by Rod Wendorff the board requested the manager to send a letter to Phil Wilde noting his commitment to retire December 31, 2019 and that a working notice is given noting this from the RID. The board also requested that a similar letter be given to Brian Rarick noting his working notice is that the RID will have no work for Brian after December 31, 2020. Carried. These letters were drafted and approved in the meeting and dated November 27, 2018 and signed by the manager.
  1. Water sharing agreement – Gordon noted that Chris Gallagher has done a very good job at creating a draft of a water sharing agreement. He has met with the UID as well to discuss and understand their special concerns. A meeting will be held at the Ready Made Hall December 11 at 1:30 PM. The proposed agreement is being created to allow all water license holders who take water from the southern tributaries to share water in water short years. John and Gordon will attend the meeting on behalf of the RID.


NEW Business


  1. Directors Items – Craig Palmer had a question regarding the proposal put forward by TID and RID to the SMRID regarding 40 mile pumping costs. It was noted that the presentation had been given to the TID and we are waiting back to hear a formal answer from them.


  1. Office and shop and yard surveillance cameras cost – Gordon noted that he had received a quote from LA Power to install 8 video cameras around the outside of the RID office and shops. On motion by John McKee the board approved the quote of $4630.00 including setting the system up and installation. Carried.


  1. AIDA – Nov 13 annual meeting – John and Gordon attended this meeting. John accepted an appointment from the 7 smallest districts to be their representative on the AIDA executive for the coming year. Reports were given from the AIDA chairman and executive director. Following this meeting Len Ring conducted a workshop where he explained the ID Act in some detail and of the latest changes to that ACT. It was very informative. Lunch was also served to the group. – The AIDA conference will be held in Calgary February 6&7. All RID directors would like to attend. Kelvin will book hotel rooms for the event for evenings of February 5th & 6th.
  1. Next meeting date – Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at the RID board room.

Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 2:28 PM on motion by John McKee.