Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday, December 19, 2018 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.
The Agenda for the December 19, 2018 meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
The Minutes of the, November 27, 2018 board meeting were approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
- IRP Project Update – Mark noted that the 2341 project is progressing well due to favorable weather for concrete pours. 7 poured in place structures are either complete or nearly complete. The Salmon road crossing will be replaced soon. The Jorgensen crossing will be completed after the Salmon crossing. The poured structures will continue on a schedule until completed.
Gordon presented the 2019/2022 (and beyond) RID district 3 year plan. The plan includes projects that will require several years to complete at a cost totaling over seven million dollars. The year one project is IRP 2356 – Raymond 8-1 pipeline twinning expansion (R8-1). On motion by John McKee the board approved the plan as presented and carried. The plan will be submitted to Irrigation Council by years end for their approval. The timing of completing the projects noted in the plan is highly dependent on future amounts government IRP funding is able to provide the district.
- Monthly Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of work performed this past month
- Irrican Power – By Kelvin Kado – 2018 year was submitted to the accountants on December 4, 2018. They have completed the initial review on site. They have moved the review back to the MNP office. There have been only 2 initial questions; need a copy of September 2017 Option “M” info and the first cheque issued November 2017 and last cheque issues for October 2018 for continuity. Board meeting, attended by John, Gordon and Kelvin established blended payment ($382,051.00) repayment to the RID starting July 31, 2019 and to be paid out over 25 years. First year interest rate set at ATB prime + 1% fixed interest (4.95%), interest rate to be established annually.
John and Gordon noted that they along with Kelvin had attended am Irrican directors meeting held December 18 at the SMRID board room in Lethbridge. SMRID is looking into a solar energy Array that could be constructed under a current available grant of 35% of the total cost. The Array would be beside the Forty mile pump station and could potentially bring pumping costs to 0. This is exciting news and is being pursued with Irrican being the owner of the Aray. More information is forthcoming.
- RID financial – by Kelvin Kado – I am working on preparing the RID 2018 year-end and continuing to update the assessment roll. WCB, Employer rate went from 5% surcharge (2016 – 2018) to 5% discount for 2019. Curtis Start will be doing a computer update and maintenance December 28, 2018. I will be in the office, December 27 (afternoon), 28 (all day) and December 31 (morning). Office to be closed January 1 – 4, 2019, Office voice message will note “ for any emergencies, contact Gordon, Mark or Kelvin) Customer #1063 (TF) came in to discuss about his arrears. He is looking to consolidate his finances and looking to have us paid by mid-March. Kelvin to look into a date for the office “Winter Party”.
- Office and Shop video surveillance – The new Security system has been installed, the supplier will be back to do some fine tuning. It seems to be working well.
- AIDA Calgary Conference – Kelvin will book hotel rooms for RID personnel attending the AIDA convention in Calgary for the evenings of Feb. 4th and Feb 5th. The conference will be held in the Deer foot Inn Feb 5th and 6th.
- Water sharing agreement – John attended the December 11, 2018 water sharing meeting with all stake holders at the Readymade Hall. John reported a productive meeting. The stake holder process continues and the agreement will tie all interested water license holders together in the event of a serious water short year.
NEW Business
- Directors Items – John McKee asked for clarification with regard to water users who wish to use water on alternate parcels. He is concerned that users may invest huge sums in systems where no permanent water is located and only based on the user’s ability to obtain unused water from other users. He realizes the district is working toward a plebiscite vote but there is no guarantee that the plebiscite will pass. The manager will query other districts for their opinions and report back.
- Transfer acres (section 26 ID ACT) – 10 acres from: SW-7-6-20-W4 parcel 1083 owned by Hironaka. To: NE-12-6-20-W4 parcel 10190 owned by Hirsche Construction LTD. Total irrigation acres on parcel after transfer 40.– Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
- SMRID main canal – report from Dec 18 advisory committee meeting. John and Gordon attended this meeting at the SMRID board room in Lethbridge. The water supply continues to build but slowly for this time of year. SMRID noted that they would accept the proposal presented from TID and RID wherein a percentage of pumping costs would be shared between the 3 districts under a separate agreement from the main canal agreement. They asked that the agreement be reviewed in 3 years rather than 5 due to the solar power possibility at Forty mile. A report was given regarding maintenance of the main canal and work is up to date. The financial report noted that more costs are incurring in infrastructure maintenance and replacement on the main canal and that $1.00 per acre more may be required to cover costs.
- Risk Mitigation – funding application to assess the source and fate of nutrients for mitigating aquatic vegetation growth within Alberta’s irrigation districts. Total cost $60,000 government share $45,000 district share $15,000. Of that RID contributes $8750.00 cash and $6250.00 in kind. – Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
- BRID 2018/2019 expansion – Gordon circulated a notice from BRID regarding their 2018/2019 expansion program. The BRID held a successful plebiscite where 25,000 additional acres are being made available to water users in the BRID. They will be sold for $1500.00 per acre. The document explains which parcels are eligible and how many acres can be applied for. The board noted this information and were given copies of the document.
- 2018 bonus – Turkeys/Hams are ready for pickup at the Merc. Plus each full time employee will receive a $500.00 cash bonus for 2018.
- Next meeting date – Wednesday, December 16, 2018 at the RID board room.
- Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 3:30 PM on motion by John McKee.