Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Monday June 18, 2018 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Kelvin Kado as needed. Mark Jensen Operations Manager.
The Agenda for the June 18, 2018 meeting was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
The Minutes of the, May 18, 2018 board meeting were approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2334 Stirling #16 – Project is complete.
IRP 2341 – was re submitted for funding approval to Irrigation Council.
- Maintenance report – Mark showed the board a brief slide show of projects completed this past month.
- Irrican Power – Gordon noted that Natel Energy has made a proposal to Irrican suggesting that they would build a power plant at the drop 15 location on the main canal and pay a royalty to Irrican for this option. After discussing the matter the RID board determined that they would be open to discussion here but would favor Irrican building its own plant at this location.
Plants are up and running. We are generating on the average of Raymond 18, Chin 9 and 4/5/6 7 for 34Mwh. We have had prices fluctuate a lot over the past few days.
The average pool price for the month of May was $63.77/MWh.. This is 57.3% higher than April’s average of $40.55/MWh. The maximum pool price was $999.99/MWh, compared to $536.36/MWh in April. The on peak pool price averaged $84.19/MWh and ranged from $17.48/MWh to $999.99/MWh. The off peak pool price averaged $22.91/MWh and ranged from $0.00/MWh to $33.26/MWh.
Total energy in May was 6,743 GWh and peak demand was 10,294 MWh. The total energy is 0.8% higher than the previous month’s total of 6,687 GWh. The peak demand is 55 MW higher than the previous month’s peak of 10,239 MW.
ICPC loan #3 final payment of $100,777.00 made June 15. Loan risk to the district (irrigators) is over with the exception of the ATB loan. ATB loan has annual payments of $591,666.68 of which RID is 10% ($59,166.70)
- RID financial – Account receivables: $70,924.87 biggest is Todd Fraser $28,625.75 statements will be sent out to remind of amount outstanding and penalties will be charged July 1, 2018
R15, East Raymond wanting to leave, we need a new agreement. Who owns the old pump and how do we set up the gas payments for billing. Kleinsasser/Leppington are renting the farmland this year. Janos and Kleinsasser need to be better in recording their time.
AIPA benefits group met May 23 annual meeting highlights for the coming year’s rates, as a group we are taking a moderate rate increase approach. June 7 Cox Financial seminar,
- Employee and Family Assistance program (Shepell),
Professional counselling A range of counselling delivery options can help you and your family anytime, anywhere
Family support Let us help you find solutions that suit your family’s needs
Financial support We have tools and resources to help you plan for a bright financial future.
Health coaching We can help you make the changes needed to be well and stay well
Legal support We provide expert, confidential information about how the law applies to specific situations
Naturopathic services Take a natural and holistic approach to the maintenance of good health
Nutrition support We can help you maintain a well-balanced diet so you can achieve your goals
Fitness support Improve your physical and mental health through education, behaviour change and fitness
Stress coach connects Through a stress assessment and interactive program, we can help you better manage stress
Separation and divorce Find support for the emotional, parenting, legal and financial impacts of separation and divorce
Smoking cessation Find the support your need for smoke-free reality!
Financial planning services We have tools and resources to help you plan for a bright financial future
Enhancing your relationship Learn the key principles to healthy relationships and achieve greater relationship satisfaction
- Identifying and Adressing Presenteeism
We know all about absenteeism and how a high absence from work can impact on company outcomes. We know a lot less, however, about presenteeism. What is presenteeism you might ask? This is when employees remain at work despite being ill or incapacitated by chronic illnesses such as migraines, IBS, burnout or depression etc.
- Drug Topics, Pharmacare outlook
Tuesday June 19 Representing RID/ICPC at golf. McKenzie Tour PRO-AM invite from ATB FINANCIAL
Approached by LED Luminescence Inc. to take advantage of government rebates to change all our lights. Material only, we would have to find an electrician to install them.
Seepage control plan did not have any complaints or concerns, item filed.
MUSSEL refund, $2,351.30 due to one less dog trained some of the funds went unused. EID returned our share.
- 2018 water situation – All reservoirs are full
- Current and future employee situation – Still waiting for a legal opinion from Jesse Wilde.
- MID – The manager noted that the MID is conducting an unofficial poll of their water users with regard to an amalgamation of the RID and MID. So far it seems there is weak interest from the MID.
- Directors Item – Alternate parcel – Craig Palmer requested board approval to transfer 20 irrigation acres from 23-5-21-W4 To: SE-30-5-20-W4 for the 2018 season – Approved by the board on motion by Rod Wendorff.
John McKee noted that the owner of N1/2-8-6-18-W4 has not been ordering water as per RID policy and this interferes with the water flow to users in the immediate area. The board instructed Mark Jensen to install a head gate into the delivery of the parcel of the offending water user so it can be locked when necessary.
- AIPA tour of TID – Gordon ZoBell attended a tour of the TID June 6, 2018 sponsored by the AIPA. He showed the board several pictures of TID works including gabion baskets for the use as screens. Gordon noted that the tour was very informative.
- Ron Motycka – Flooding concerns – Gordon noted that he had received a letter from Ron Motycka with regard to an ongoing flooding concern caused from irrigation flood water coming from Bob Gibbs parcel in 16-6-20-W4. Gordon noted that he had met with both Motycka and Gibb regarding the concern. They have also spoken with each other regarding the concern. Gibb noted that he would use a front end loader to correct the problem prior to flooding his land again.
- Akimina snow monitoring site – Gordon noted that the SMRID and TID and RID have send letters of request to Alberta Environment to repair /replace the akimina snow pillow monitoring station ASAP.
- IPEX – no pipe cost increase for irrigation customers 6% for everyone else. This was noted by the board.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Jerred Procee and Nicole Procee Box 896 Lethbridge AB T1J 3Z8 Plan 8310169 Block 1 NE-33-6-21-W4 – Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Jason and Christina Graves Box 1751 Raymond AB T0K 2S0 Plan 0614487 Block 1 Lot 4 SE-1-7-21-W4 – Approved by the board on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Carl Ray Simons Plan 4347Y Block 22 Lot 4-8 NW-32-6-19-W4 – Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried.
- Household Purposes Agreement – Hardie Teresa and Ronald Entz Box 3812 Stirling AB T0K 2E0 Plan 0711718 Block 3 Lot 3 NW-32-6-19-W4 – Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried.
- Solar Krafte – Stirling Solar Project – They have filed an application for a 17.4 – megawatt solar power plant east of the Stirling electrical sub-station on Drew Picher’s parcel. Irrigation acres must be removed if approval is received. This was noted by the board.
- Next meeting date – Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at the RID board room.
- Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 2:18 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.