High Lights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Friday May 18, 2018 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, , Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Kelvin Kado as needed. Rod Wendorff Director was absent due to employment responsibilities. Mark Jensen Operations Manager was also absent due to responsibilities in the field.
- IRP Project Update given by Gordon ZoBell
IRP 2321 W#5 phase #5 – Meyer Line – The project is complete.
IRP 2334 Stirling #16 – There is one more turn out to install for Maynes new pivot.
IRP 2341 – was re submitted for funding approval to Irrigation Council this past week.
- Maintenance report – There was no report this meeting.
- Irrican Power – Plants are up and running. We are generating on the average of Raymond 18, Chin 9 and 4/5/6 6 for 33Mwh We have had prices fluctuate a lot over the past few days
$/MWhDaily 30RavgDate Average On Peak Average Off Peak Average Average On Peak Average Off Peak Average
05/17/2018 26.36 30.46 18.15 51.73 65.83 23.55
05/16/2018 124.34 173.02 26.96 51.88 65.87 23.89
05/15/2018 395.55 579.30 28.04 49.26 61.89 24.02
05/14/2018 239.35 344.66 28.73 37.09 43.63 23.99
05/13/2018 29.29 34.39 19.09 30.02 33.08 23.89
05/12/2018 29.11 30.702 5.91 30.05 32.92 24.31
05/11/2018 33.75 36.74 27.76 30.38 33.32 24.49
May 12 = $23,055. $691,650/Month X 6 = $4,149,900
May 15 = $313,275.$9,398,250/Month X 6 = $56,389,500
- RID financial – K Kado – Rate Enforcement: All accounts were brought up to date in time and nothing was needed to be reported.
Question about R15, East Raymond wanting to leave, do we need to broker a new agreement? Who owns the old pump and how do we set up the gas payments for billing. Kleinsasser/Leppington are renting the farmland this year. Janos and Kleinsasser need to be better in recording their time.
With the leaving of DJ this will have a positive impact on our salary budget. It should be an improvement of $45,000 +/-
A part time person would use up some of this. Ad on KIJIJI for a parttime laborer.
AIPA benefits group. April report, May 23 annual meeting for the coming year’s rates, June 7 Cox Financial seminar.
- 2018 water situation – Reservoir storage levels are looking good. The RID board set the 2018 allocation at 16 inches per irrigated acre approved on motion by Craig Palmer.
- Current and future employee situation – The manager noted that DJ Heggie had found a job with the Town of Raymond and left the employment of the RID this past month. A legal opinion from Jesse Wilde has not been received to date.
- MID delegation – The manager noted that there has been no official communication from the MID with regard to a possible amalgamation with the RID.
- Directors Item – John McKee noted that Jordan Metzker was now farming the Kaupp irrigated land in the New Dayton area on behalf of the Kaupp family. The manager was requested to contact Jordan to assist him with water order and shut off information. Gordon also noted that the board room chairs are in need of replacement. The board requested that this be taken care of soon.
- Hancock request regarding R/W lease – The Hancock family requested that a portion of RID R/W located just west of the main home and yard located in SE-27-5-20-W4 be leased to the owner of the main acreage yard in the future. The portion of the R/W would cover an area of approximately 26 acres. The family plan to subdivide the home acreage parcel into 2 parcels and would like the parcel containing the old Calvin Hancock home to have access to the 26 acre portion of R/W. The board approved the request on motion by John McKee.
- MLA reception – Rod Wendorff and Gordon ZoBell attended a reception held May 8th in Edmonton at the Federal Building. Some 20 MLA’s were in attendance. Richard Phillips gave a masterful presentation regarding the irrigation industry in Alberta and of how the irrigation districts and their famers contribute to the Alberta economy. Rod and Gord and their spouses attended and it was noted that there was good networking accomplished and that the event was worthwhile. The following day IPEX toured some of the ID personnel through their Edmonton manufacturing plant. Rod and Gord attended this and were very impressed with the process.
- AIPA Mangers Meeting – Gordon noted that several ID mangers met on May 2nd at the LNID to discuss items of mutual concern. One of the items discussed was whether a more standard meeting time for all ID’s might be in order. It was suggested that at least board meetings could be held during a one week period each month. The RID board was open to this concept. The mussel initiative was also discussed as well as disaster funding, technology, water quality, reservoir ranking and ID response to IRP funding. Gordon noted that he felt the meeting was worthwhile and the next meeting will be held September 6, 2018 at SMRID.
- Kaupp Family thank you card – Gordon noted that the Kaupp family had sent a card of appreciation for the flowers sent in honor of those who died in a recent plane crash.
- Alternate parcel – From: 100 acres Mehew Farms SE-15-5-21-W4 To: New Rockport Colony NW-18-6-18-W4. Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried.
- Alternate parcel – From: 100 acres Mehew Farms SE-15-5-21-W4 To: Wally Tollestrup E1/2-16-6-20-W4. Approved by the board on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- Household purposes agreement – Scott and Janet Turner – Plan 4489J Block 122 Lot 1,2 SW-18-6-20-W4 – Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried.
- Cody Heggie – recommend wage increase to level of Phil Wilde – Cody has completed the pesticide applicators course and is a fully licensed applicator for industrial and aguatic. Approved as noted beginning May 1, 2018 by the board on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
- R7-1 – request permission to complete a review on this system and make recommendations to the board regarding changes to the allocation formula for energy payments – The board gave approval to this request.
- Next meeting date – Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at the RID board room.
- Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 12:55 PM on motion by John McKee.