Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday May 17, 2017 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Rod Wendorff Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager as required. Craig Palmer was excused as he was away.
- IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2321 W#5 phase #5 – The new pipeline is in operation. The soft area in the Oudman parcel has had oil field mats placed over it to allow the pivot at that location to cross over the excavation.
Moving Forward 2 grant – MPE continues to work on the project.
IRP 2334 Stirling #16 – easements will be obtained soon. The price of the pipe is being held by IPEX until month end.
Maintenance report – Mark showed the board a slide presentation of work completed under the district’s IRP and maintenance program over the past month
Irrican Power – The Chin Plant has experienced a soft ware problem with regard to shutting down. No call out was made. The operators were unable to get the plant to operate for more than a few minutes before shutting down with again no call out. MPE was called in to investigate and determined that the 5 second lag time within the shutdown procedure needed to be extended to 15 seconds. This seems to have fixed the problem for the time being. About 3 generation days were lost.
RID financial – (Kelvin Kado) –
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – nothing to report
RID by-law 2017 # 5 being a capital asset charge – It was noted that Doug Keeler had questions regarding this by-law and it was reported that he was asked to send an official letter to the board outlining his concerns.
New acres – The manager noted that several official applications have been received for new irrigation acres being offered by the RID. This file will continue to grow as new applications come in and until it is reviewed in the September 2017 board meeting.
Directors Items – There were no director’s items.
ORRSC- Mike Jarakowsky SW-11-7-21-W4 – to create a 4.56 acre parcel from an unsubdivided ¼ section for country residential use. (his home yard). Approved on motion by John McKee subject to no permanent irrigation acres transferring with the 4.56 acre parcel.
ORRSC – Mike and Bonnie Jarakowsky SE-10-7-21-W4 – to create a 2.01 acre vacant parcel from a title containing 80 acres, for country residential use. Approved on motion by John McKee subject to no permanent irrigation acres transferring with the 2.01 acre parcel.
Harold Loewan – would like permission to install 7 culverts in the drain to replace bridges over the drain in SW-32-6-20-W4. (pictures) – After reviewing this request the board noted that they would prefer Mr Loewan to install steel bridges rather than culverts. They are however open to his request and requested the manager to further discuss the two options with Mr Loewan and then to report back to the board.
Household Purposes Agreement (HPA) – Thomas and Nichole McNeil – Plan 0710891 Block 1 Lot 1 SE-3-7-21-W4 – Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff.
Household Purposes Agreement (HPA) – Brenda Diebel – East of IRR 58 SE-12-7-21-W4 – Approved on motion by Rod Wendorff.
Alternate Parcel Agreement – From East Raymond Colony – 14-5-20-W4 – 90 acres To: NW-20-5-20-W4 Brian Hicken – Approved on motion by John McKee.
Alternate Parcel Agreement – From Ron and Bill Bullock SW-8-6-21-W4, SE-33-6-21-W4, EH of SH 33-6-21-W4 – 35 acres To: E1/2-16-6-20-W4 Wally Tollestrup – Approved on motion by John McKee.
Next meeting date – Thursday June 22, 2017 at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended. – There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:36 PM on motion by John McKee.