Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday April 15, 2015 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Craig Palmer Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager was absent due to outside work schedule and Kelvin Kado, Offiice Manager as required.
IRP Project Update given by Gordon ZoBell
IRP 2280 W#5 phase 3 – leveling has been completed, waiting for water so the line can be tested.
IRP 2307 – W#5 phase 4 – final design and easement procurement to commence soon.
IRP 2308 – Ortho Photo’s – nothing to report.
Maintenance report – Gordon showed the board pictures of a failed syphon located on the SMRID main canal. Located in NW-31-5-20-W4. The syphon has rusted out and will be replaced with a PVC conduit through the bank into a pump well. The Main Canal will cover the costs for replacement. RID staff and equipment are doing the work. The job will be completed by April 17th.
Irrican Power – Routine maintenance, preparing for spring start up. Nothing financial to report this month.
RID Financial – by Kelvin Kado – Rate enforcement DONE!!!!!, our last irrigation account is up to date YEA…… and they paid everything up to date.
Budget and Bylaws to be updated and ready for the board meeting. I did note some building upgrades that Gordon and I have discussed. We can do it without building a whole new building.
Update Credit Union signing authority
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Waiting now for modeling information from AAFRD. This will take several months.
RID Strategic Plan and GIS overlay – Gordon noted that he and Jeff Lowry will be meeting April 16th to begin correcting the RID works GIS overlay.
RID winter party and Alan Heggie retirement – Held March 25, 2015 at the Raymond Seniors center. The board noted that they were pleased with the event and thanked those involved with organizing it.
Mussel emergency response – The legislation to amend the fisheries act allowing mandatory water craft inspection has been acclaimed. The RID will purchase a mussel display to show how invasive mussels cause problems to pipes. Gordon and Mark and John went to Coutts and saw the sniffer dog in action. Very interesting.
RID Rate/Fee Bylaws for 2015 –
Rate By-law 2015-1, no change from 2014 approved on motion by John McKee.
Agreements By-Law – no change from 2014 approved on motion by John McKee.
Board Honorariums By-Law – $300.00 per meeting for directors and $325.00 per
meeting for the Chairman. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde.
Resolution 2015-3 – to appoint and auditor – D. Wilde Professional Corporation was
selected and approved on motion by John McKee.
By_law 2015-4 – to set an election date that of March 10, 2016 approved on motion
by Craig Palmer.
By-Law 2015-5 – Capital assets charge – no change from 2014 – approved on
motion by Craig Palmer.
By-Law 2015-6 – Establishing Capital Charges – no change from 2014 – approved
on motion by John McKee.
Seepage Control plan – Gordon reviewed the new Seepage Control Plan with the board. It covers the years 2015 through 2019. The board approved registering the plan as per the Irrigation Districts Act on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Emergency preparedness plan – Gordon went over his outline of the proposed plan and noted that he will be meeting with Raymond Fire Chief Doug Holt as soon as possible.
RID employee yearly wage review – On motion by Byron Wilde the board approved a 1% increase for all employees except DJ Heggie effective April 1. 2015. DJ Heggie will receive a $4000.00 increase per year or $46,000 per year effective beginning April 1, 2015. Carried. On motion by Byron Wilde the board changed the overtime agreement to reflect that an employee will receive overtime after working 8 hours per day or 44 hours per week. Carried.
Directors Items – Gordon noted that he will be undergoing a surgery in Calgary on April 22, 2015. The board appointed Mark Jensen as acting RID Manager in Gordon’s absence. It is undetermined how much recovery time will be needed but Gordon will keep the board informed.
Byron Wilde gave the Chair to Gordon ZoBell regarding the election of officers for the RID for the 2015 season. Gordon asked for nominations for RID Chairman. John McKee nominated Byron Wilde. There were no other nominations. Gordon declared Byron as Chairman of the RID for the 2015 season. Gordon then asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Craig Palmer nominated John McKee. There were no other nominations Gordon then declared John McKee as Vice Chairman of the RID. Gordon then handed the Chair back to Byron and the meeting continued. Byron thanked the board for their confidence in him.
Alternate Parcel Agreement – From: William and Ron Bullock N1/2-NE-28-6-21-W4 62 acres To: John Heatwole SW-6-6-19-W4 – Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
Alternate Parcel Agreement – 11 acres From: Bev Hanson s1/2-36-6-20-W4 To: John Heatwole SW-6-6-19-W4. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Alternate Parcel Agreement – From: William and Ron Bullock SW-8-6-21-W4 – 85 acres – SE-33-6-21-W4 – 80 acres and EH of SH-33-6-21-W4 – 35 acres To: Wally Tollestrup E1/2-16-6-20-W4. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
AIPA Directors Meeting held April 2, 2015 in Taber – Byron and Gordon attended the meeting. Byron noted that the Mussel awareness campaign is getting up to speed. 700 signs will be located throughout the Province, sniffer dogs will be at border points and mandatory water craft inspections are underway. There will be 60 new inspectors hired to assist. The Province is working on testing of various chmical controls for mussels as well. Byron also noted that an Economic value of irrigation study will be in the hands of the AIPA in June. Aggie Days in Calgary saw an AIPA booth again this year. Apparently it was well attended. Kelvin Kado assisted with the booth on April12, 2015. The Agriculture in the Classroom Program is going good again this year. Approximately 21,000 Alberta youth in grade 4 are registered in the program and Ron McMullin is the Chair of the organization. The River watch program has 10,000 kids registered as well. The IRP funding decrease was also discussed at the meeting. There was significant discussion regarding the electric transmission costs in the Province presented by LeRon Torrie. The future does not look bright for these costs with a 39% increase in the plans. Farmer Markets will be attended I Calgary again this year by AIPA members and partnering will be carried out to raise awareness of irrigation in Alberta. The Provincial election on may5th was also discussed.
Main Canal Advisory Committee Meeting – held March 30, 2015 – Byron noted that there was lively discussion regarding the bridges through the RID. It was noted that a cheque covering the RID portion of the main canal costs was signed and sent to SMRID April 15, 2015. Gordon noted that water will be turned into the Main Canal on April 22, 2015. SMRID will allow delivery to farms between May 4th and May 11th depending on weather and need. The RID board noted that the RID will make water available on May 11th, 2015.
Household Purposes Agreement – Michael and Christy Darby – Plan 0811922 Block 1 Lot 1 Linc 0033 180 866 NW-5-7-20-W4 (near McKee North farm). Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Keith Francis Retirement – April 17, 2015 Heritage Inn Taber – light refreshments, presentations 7:00 PM – A gift from the RID will be given to Keith from the RID. Kelvin Kado may attend.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, May 20, 2015