June 19, 2014 RID Board minute highlights

Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Thursday June 19, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.

Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Director Alan Heggie, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, as required and Mark Jensen Operations Manager.

IRP Project Update given by Gordon ZoBell.

RP 2262 – Welling #5 phase 2 – The pipe was tested and is operational.

IRP 2280 phase 3 – nothing to report.

Irrican Power – From Kelvin Kado. – We are now into the power generation season. Joyce Lam, will replace Jeanne as the SMRID accountant.

RID Financial – From Kelvin Kado. – Rate enforcement court date was May 5th, with no one having to be reported. There has not been the number of changes to the assessment roll in 2014 as there were in 2013. We will begin to start preparing for the assessment starting in July. With the improvements to the program last year, I think all should go smoothly this year. Funding for IRP has been received and we have made our required payment. The two yellow Wackers have been sold for a total of $2000.00.

Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Gordon noted that RID staff has been working on updating DDIT. This information will be used in the model.

Directors Items – The board discussed drainage issues resulting from the latest storms which dumped a total of 7.5 inches of rain on the district over the past 6 days. The works have held up reasonably well.

Transfer of Permanent Irrigation Acres; – From NW-28-6-20-W4 Plan 0110797 Block 1 Lot 1 8 irrigation acres Robert and Laura Nelson. To: – SW-6-6-19-W4 John and Carolyn Heatwole. On motion by Alan Heggie the board approved this transfer. Carried.

Pheasant Habitat tree line near Darin Wilde – Gordon and Mark recommend that RID no longer maintain the tree line. The adjacent landowner can maintain the trees if they wish. The board agreed with this suggestion.

Advisory Committee – Byron noted that he and Gordon had attended this meeting on June 17, 2014 at the SMRID offices. Byron noted that several items of business were reviewed and explained with regard to the main canal from Cross coulee to Horse fly. Byron noted that he felt the meeting was very worthwhile and that those attending came away with a good knowledge of what was happening with the canal regarding financial and operations and maintenance issues.

Aerial Photos for 2015 – Last photos were taken in 2012 and the costs were (estimate $8000.00 actual $5752.00). Gordon noted that the large group involved in the 2012 photos are considering new photos each three year period. The board noted that they would be interested in receiving new photos for 2015. Byron noted that he would like the photos taken later if possible. This would allow the irrigated areas to be more prominent in the photos. Gordon will attend the upcoming meetings and report back as things progress.

Transfer of permanent acres – Dana Hirsche – 10 acres from N1/2 – SW -29-6-20 – Also 20 irrigation acres from – NE18-6-20-W4 all going To: NE-12-6-20-W4 – The parcel receiving the irrigation acres is already a part of the RID and has been classified as irrigable. On motion by Byron Wilde the board approved the transfer subject to the land owner paying all costs associated with a new turn out at the new location. Carried.

Thank you card from Jim Csabay for the gift and kind words offered upon his retirement – Noted by the board.

ORRSC Application to subdivide – Bill Kaupp – SE-6-6-18-W4 – to create a 31.98 acre cut off parcel from a title of 109.68 acres for country residential use. This was approved by the board on motion by Alan Heggie subject to no irrigation acres being transferred with the 31.98 acre parcel. Carried.

ORRSC – Greg Romeril – NW-31-5-20-W4 – to create a 10 acre parcel from a title of 79.11 acres for country residential use. This was approved by the board on motion by Alan Heggie subject to no irrigation acres be transferred with the 10 acre parcel. Carried.

ORRSC – Robin Chipman – E1/2-29-6-21-W4 to subdivide 2 vacant lots of 3.11 acres and 28 acres respectively from a 108.48 acre parcel – This was approved by the board on motion by Alan Heggie, subject to no irrigation acres being transferred with the 31.98 acre parcel. Carried.

ORRSC- Wilde Brothers Ltd – SW-4-7-20-W4 – to create a 14.69 acre title from a 248.44 acre parcel for country res use. This was approved by the board on motion by John McKee subject to no irrigation acres being transferred with the 14.69 acre parcel. Carried. Byron Wilde abstained form discussion and voting on this matter.

Household Purposes Agreement – JD & Peggy Gibb Box 1471 Raymond – SE-28-6-20-W4 title # 121 101 211 – Block 1, Lot 1. Approved on motion by John McKee.

Household Purposes Agreement – Steele and Karma Sheridan Box 70 Stirling – SE-32-6-19-W4 Plan 0711718 Block 3 Lot 1 title # 081 391 380. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde.

Household Purposes Agreement – Duong Luc Box 257 Raymond – Plan 1013074 Block 58 Lot 1. Approved on motion by Alan Heggie.

Alternate Parcel Agreement – 75 Irrigation acres FROM; S1/2-32-6-20-W4 – owned by Bev Hanson To: SW-6-6-19-W4 owned by John Heatwole. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde.

Alternate Parcel Agreement – 40 acres FROM SW-30-6-19-W4 owned by Florence Herget To: NW-7-6-18-W4 – Mckee. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde. John McKee abstained from discussion and voting on this matter.

Irrigation Council – List of ID board members in Alberta – Irrigation assessment role acres for all IDs in Alberta. This information was reviewed by the board.

Water Quality Study – There was a meeting held April 28, 2014 where the project was reported to the IDs. Gordon attended this meeting held at the Lethbridge research station. The sampling is looking for approx. 300 agents in the water. The project is within budget and sampling so far is not alarming within the IDs.

Regional Storm Water Management Plan – MPE held a meeting with Gordon on April 23, 2014 – Gordon was able to review drainage concerns within the RID with the project team from MPE. The meeting went very well and MPE was very appreciative of the description of concerns related to them.

Town of Raymond water Quality concerns – Rick Lowry has been attending the Tuesday meetings held at the SMRID offices. There has been a favorable article in the Westwind weekly news regarding Irrican and the IDs and the Ridge Water Commission, working together.

Next meeting date – Wednesday, July 16, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM at the RID board room.