Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday April 16, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Director Alan Heggie, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, as required. Mark Jensen O&M manager was away.
IRP 2262 – Welling #5 phase 2 – The pipe is installed and the crew has leveled the trench material with a dozer. Pipe testing will take place once water has been turned on for the season.
IRP 2280 phase 3 – To complete the next reach through to Randy Wilde’s turnout, the cost would be $927,000.00 total. This is about $280.000.00 more than the district has available in IRP funding for 2014. To finish the project (W5) beginning in 2015, an additional $949,000.00 is required. This item will be discussed again in the next board meeting
Irrican Power – The Irrican Board will meet with the Ridge Water Services Commission in the Raymond Seniors Center April 30, commencing at 6:00 PM. Gordon noted that a joint overhead presentation has been compiled by TID manager Chris Gallagher. Chris will make the presenatation on behalf of all stake holders who use Ridge reservoir. This is being done with the understanding that there will be a joint all-encompassing effort being made, from this time forward, regarding water quality at Ridge. Byron, Gordon and Mark will attend the meeting. Kelvin Kado noted that Irrican has reported a 6.25% return on funds deposited at ATB since July 2013. A letter of credit was obtained from 1st Choice Savings for line cost guarantee to AESO. This is based on an anticipated fee of $15,000.00.
RID Financial – Rate enforcement has begun, advertising in the Alberta Gazette has be booked, registered letters to delinquent accounts have been sent out with a payment deadline of April 26 given. There are 4 irrigation accounts outstanding. We do anticipate that last minute payments will be made and we can again avoid Rate Enforcement.
AIPA – Byron and Gordon attended the directors meeting held March 31, 2014 in Vauxhall. Byron noted that a presentation was made regarding the invasive mussel issue. The AIPA directors approved a 7 cent increase, in the AIPA rate, to assist with initiatives to inspect for mussels and for public awareness. Each district was to seek approval from its board and notify Ron McMullin. Prismatic will work on taking the Wilde Rose Caucus on a tour of irrigation works this summer. There are also some radio ads being aired in the Province with regard to irrigation which were created by Prismatic to raise more awareness of irrigation in the Province. Gordon and Mark spent a day at Aggie days in Calgary working at the AIPA booth this past week. The AIPA conference will be November 24 to 26, 2014 at the Deer Foot Lodge in Calgary. Brent Paterson gave a very interesting presentation on preparing for drought. The next AIPA directors meeting will be held September 22, 2014 in Picture Butte.
RID Annual Meeting and Seminar – March 20, 2014 – The board noted that the seminar was one of the best in memory. The topics were well chosen and presented. It was a great day including the annual meeting and a delicious meal of course.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Gordon noted that he would be meeting with AARD personnel April 17, 2014, to discuss the parameters of the modeling process. Byron Wilde noted that he would also attend.
Directors Items – John McKee noted that he has concerns that there are some water users who still do not understand the expansion issue and the process of a plebiscite. He noted that we need to spend more time educating people on the broader issue and of our reason for expansion.
R7-1 Pipeline – Phil Jensen asked if it might be possible to include a parcel he owns near the R7-1 pressurized pipeline delivery system, within the delivery of that pipeline. His parcel currently receives water from the R7 gravity pipeline system. Phil asked if the board is interested in exploring this option. After discussing the issue, the board determined that they were not in favor of allowing this. They noted that Phil’s parcel was designed into the delivery of the R7 gravity line and not the R7-1. There is no extra capacity in the R7-1 line.
Household Purposes Agreement – Plan 1345J, Lot 30 – SE-11-6-21-W4 Harold and Leanna Loewen – Approved by the board on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
R8-2 – Glenn Tollestrup – Re: VFD controller – Gordon noted that Glenn had researched this type of controller and wondered if it should be installed on the R8-2 pump control system. The board asked to have Mark Jensen report on this item and if it would be an improvement to the current 8.2 system. This will take place in the next board meeting.
Dave McGee retirement – May 8, 2014 – Dave has worked for ESRD for 37 years, most in a management position. Dave will be missed. Gordon will attend the retirment function.
RID Budget and By-laws 2014 – The 2014 RID budget was approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried. By-law 2014-1 being a rate By-Law – Approved on motion by Alan Heggie and carried. The rate will remain unchanged from 2013. By-law 2014-2 being an agreements By-law – Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried. By-Law 2014 -3 – establishing a board honorarium – Approved by the board on motion by Alan Heggie and carried. The 2014 honorarium to be paid to the board will be $350.00 for the Chairman and $300.00 for directors, per meeting. By-law 2014-4 – being a law to set the election date as March 12, 2015. Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and carried. By-law 2014 -5 being a capital assets charge set at $1250.00 per acre payable at $250.00 per year per acre, with no interest, over five years. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried. By-law 2014-6 being a By-law establishing capital charges at $1250.00 per acre foot. Approved on motion by Alan Heggie and carried. All the above By-laws were read three times prior to board approval. Resolution 2014-1 being a resolution to appoint Mercer Wilde Group as auditor for the district. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Employee wage review 2014 – Salary reviews with a 2.7% cost of living raise was proposed for all full time employees. This is to correspond with the January 2014 Alberta CPI. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
Choose RID Chairman and Vice Chairman – Nomination for Chair and Vice Chair of RID. Also appointment to AIPA & Irrican board for 2014/2015. RID General Manager Gordon ZoBell opened the floor for nominations for RID Chairman for 2014/2015. Alan Heggie nominated Byron Wilde, John McKee moved that nomination cease. Gordon congratulated Byron as the RID Chair for the coming season. Gordon opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Byron Wilde nominated John McKee, Alan Heggie moved that nomination cease. Gordon congratulated John on his appointment for the coming season.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, May 21, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:26 PM, on motion by Byron Wilde.