January 17, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights
  1. The agenda for the meeting was approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried. 
  2. The Minutes of the December 20, 2023 board meeting were approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.

 Business Arising

 3. O&M Report and AIM Project Update:

 Cody shared a slideshow of pictures taken over the last month of repairs & maintenance and pipelining activities. The status reported on each project is as follows:

 9 Mile & North (AIM Project) – The final spur line was tied in on January 10, 2024. The trench is backfilled and levelled. All that remains is to install the riser tops and disc the trench in the spring.  

 GPS (AIM Project) – Jason and Cody are working with the engineer to have the project to final design within the next 6 months. We would like to place the order for pipe as soon as we can so that if Ipex is able to provide pipe sooner than 2026/27 then we will be ready for it.

 New Dayton CPR Crossing (IRP 2393) – We are waiting to hear back from CPKC for a construction timeline.    

 8-2 (Internally Funded Project) – We are ready to start the first phase of the 8-2 project, but we are waiting to receive fittings from Ipex. Within the next 2 weeks fittings should be available.   

 Smith Estates (Owner Funded) – We are working with the engineer to finalize the design and complete plans for a spring installation.   

 Chin Chute Rehabilitation (IRP 2392) – We have paid our first payment towards the project. Construction continues on the project.

 Maintenance – We are focusing on spring maintenance while we wait for fittings for 8-2, including maintenance at Craddock (a new outlet structure) and installing/relocating several pump wells. We have done a few projects around the shop including installing the shelving in the new fitting shed.  

  1. Snowpack Report / Water Supply Forecast:

 The Board reviewed the most recent reservoir report and snow pack report from the government. The headworks storage has increased to 27% compared to 25% last month. John, Craig and Jason reported on a meeting they attended with EPA and Jennifer Nitschelm, Irrigation Secretariat, on January 10, 2024 to discuss the current water situation and steps forward to be prepared for the upcoming year. It was great to see EPA aware of the water situation and actively working to prepare for it. Further discussion/meetings will be held in February.

  1. AIDA Conference:

 Jason and the Board are registered to attend the AIDA annual conference in Lethbridge on February 5-7. The Board reviewed the conference schedule.

  1. Irrican – John and Jason reported:

 The annual audit is wrapping up. The AGM is scheduled for January 30, 2024 at 10:00 am at SMRID.

  1. RID financial – Amanda and Jason reported:

 We are in the process of collecting on outstanding accounts receivable. Accounts receivable is a high number at year end. Part of the reason may be because we switched from paper invoices to emailed invoices. We have sent out paper statements to customers with a balance. There are 2 irrigators that will be in rate enforcement if payment is not made soon. There are also a number of HPA users that are in arears. We are sending out letters this week to them requiring payment arrangements by March 1 or their HPA will be terminated and their riser will be capped.

  We are working on the year end. We will send the auditors the working papers at the beginning of February and they have scheduled their field day on February 15.

  1. AGM – March 21, 2024:

 The Board discussed the AGM and Seminar and decided to have presentations on: RID Updates, Water Situation and Update; LNID Overview of their experience in 2023. We will need 1-2 more presentations for the seminar, but the Board decided to attend the AIDA conference in February and bring back ideas for the remaining presentations. They also decided to continue with the roast beef dinner in between the seminar and AGM. Jason will make the arrangements for the lunch and presentations and report back next meeting.

New Business

  1. Directors’ Items

 The Board continued their discussion from last month regarding allowing the transfer of unused allocation from one irrigator to another. Jason reported that SMRID allows this practice and currently does not charge an administrative fee to allow the transfer, but SMRID is looking at changing that for 2024. BRID does not allow the transfer of unused allocation. After significant discussion, the Board decided to continue to allow alternate parcel agreements for unused acres, but not allow the transfer of unused allocation between different irrigators.

 The Board also discussed issuing annual agreements for the 2024 season. A number of requests have been received for new annual agreements for 2024. Jason expressed his concern over the current water situation and issuing new annual agreements. The Board agreed and, at the current time based on the current water level and snow pack, the Board will continue to allow the existing annual agreements to be renewed, but have disallowed new annual agreements.

  1. Transfer of Acres Request:

 The owners of an acreage on SW 29-6-20-W4 have 8 irrigation acres and would like to sell them back to the district. The parcel can be adequately watered with a HPA so the permanent irrigation acres are not needed on the parcel.

 On motion made by Craig Palmer and carried, the Board approved purchasing the 8 acres from the acres on SW 29-6-20-W4 owned by Weber’s.  

  1. Town of Raymond – Draft Policy Regarding RID Providing Service Within the Town:

 The Town of Raymond presented to Jason a draft policy regarding town residents receiving water from the RID. The policy allows homeowners living on the far west edge of town to apply to the town for their permission to install infrastructure to receive water from the RID, if the RID approves them to tie onto RID infrastructure. The policy presented is between the town and their residents, which residents would need to run their own infrastructure within the town limits. The actual approval to tie into RID infrastructure remains an RID Board decision.

  1. Next Meeting Date

 The next meeting is set for February 21, 2024.

 Motion to adjourn – There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:06 pm on motion by Craig Palmer.