December 11, 2019 Board meeting highlights

Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday, December 11, 2019 commencing at 9:00AM in the RID Board Room.

Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer Vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.

IRP Project Update – Mark reported R8-1 IRP 2356 project is progressing. The crew has encountered muddy conditions due to ground water and snow melt. Approximately 620 meters of pipeline has been installed beginning at the north end of this years reach in the Loewen parcel. The 845 road bore complete with the PVC installed into the conduit has been completed as well as the Temple Hill county road push has also been completed with a PVC pipe installed there as well. Currently the RID crew is working south in the Crombie parcel.

RID Three-Year Plan for 2020 through 2023 – The plan was approved as presented on motion by John McKee and carried.

Monthly Maintenance report – Mark gave a slide show of the operations, IRP and maintenance performed over the past month.

Irrican – year end in progress, MNP will be on site at SMRID December 9 – 12.  Gord and Kelvin will attend a pre-Irrican board meeting for staff on December 12. Gordon, Kelvin and Craig Palmer will attend the Dec 17 meeting on behalf of the RID.

RID Financial – December 5, account statements were sent out to remind irrigators that payments are due by December 31 and RID office Christmas hours.

Christmas bonus’s – Turkeys and Hams available starting December 16.

Christmas hours: Open to Noon December 24, Closed Christmas and Boxing Day and December 27th, Open December 30 all day, Open December 31 till noon, Open January 2, 3rd. Outside staff will work to December 20, they will return to work January 6, 2020. (7 days holidays).  Mastercard, change of cards from Mark to Cody.

Have Christmas cards on hand, mail out this week.

Forty Mile pumping agreement – On motion by Rod Wendorff the board approved the latest draft of this agreement and authorized it to be signed on behalf of the RID.

Resume – The board reviewed a resume from a third individual who applied for the General managers position.

Potential RID Manager – An individual was invited to the board meeting entered the meeting at approximately 11:30 AM. The board wanted to meet this individual in person. Each board member asked several questions of this individual and an informal question and answer session was conducted. The individual is currently employed and some references were contacted by board members prior to the meeting. A favorable interview was held. The individual will be considered more fully by the board going forward.

AIDA – The rescheduled annual meeting will be held Friday December 13, 2019 below the Keg restaurant commencing at 10:00 AM. All RID directors are invited to attend this meeting.

Solar Array – Solar generation at the R7-1 and R8-2 pump sites. – After much discussion the board determined that they feel obligated to ask the membership for their opinion regarding this venture. The manager was also asked to contact the Irrigation secretariat with regard to this venture and to make sure all legislative requirements would be met. The board also felt this might be a good special project for the new manager in training to explore and review depending on who is selected for the position.

Directors Items –There were no directors items.

Application to add a parcel to the RID – Section 84/85 ID Act – E ½- SW-2-7-21-W4 – Fairhaven Farms wish to develop irrigation on this parcel. The land is classified to be irrigated. The owner hopes to purchase unused irrigation acres from another RID water user or to purchase acres from the RID pending a successful expansion plebiscite should that occur. No irrigation on the parcel will take place prior to irrigation acres either being rented or purchased. Approved on motion by – Rod Wendorff and carried.

New light trucks – The board reviewed several tendered prices for new light trucks. On motion by Craig Palmer the board approved the purchase of 2 GMC light trucks from Davis in Lethbridge for an approximate combined value of $67,000.00. Carried. The trucks will be ordered and will take about 3 months to arrive. Gordon also requested permission to purchase a used cab and chassis dual wheeled truck to replace our current spray truck chassis. On motion by Craig Palmer the board approved up to $10,000.00 for this purchase.

It was noted that the light truck currently assigned to Mark Jensen is in need of some engine repairs. When the new trucks arrive Marks truck is to be assigned to the Manager and the current Managers truck is to be assigned to the Welling area water supervisor.

Mark Jensen and Phil Wilde – retirement date review – It was noted that Phil will officially retire January 31, 2020. Mark Jensen has many unused holiday days and will officially retire July 31, 2020. Both Mark and Phil will begin taking their unused holidays on December 23, 2019. Under RID policy each of these men will be given 1 month pay as a parting gift at the end of their employment with the RID.

RID Winter party – The board set the date of this party as January 27, 2020 at the Raymond Ag Society Red Barn commencing at 6:30 PM.

Next meeting date – Wednesday, January 7, 2020 commencing at 9:00 AM at the RID board room.

The meeting adjourned at 4:01 PM.