Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday, October 16, 2019 commencing at 10:00AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer Vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.
IRP Project Update – Mark reported that the 845-road bore will commence October 21, 2019. The RID crew will complete all excavation requirements and the road bore will be completed by Syncor directional ltd. The RID crew will then commence installing pipe at the north end of phase one of the project and work south toward factory lake.
Monthly Maintenance report – Mark gave a slide show of the operations and maintenance performed over the past month. The system has been winterized.
Irrican Power – Kelvin Kado report – Financial information: 2019 REC invoice to Direct Energy to September 7 is $805,000.00 with another $150,000 from Raymond and Chin. Bullfrog should be $550,000.00 for this year which is $1,505,000.00.. Projected income to October is $5,732,233.00. Starting the pre year-end work.
RID Financial – We have had a steady inflow of funds from this year’s assessment.
RID code of conduct – Gordon met with Margo Redelback and noted that the code of conduct is voluntary and will show water users and government that the RID board is very concerned with fair conduct being exemplified in the decisions of the board of directors.
Solar – 7-1 and 8-2 project proposals. – This item was tabled again until the next RID board meeting. It is felt that the results of the Provincial budget should be known before a decision is made here. The budget will be made public October 24, 2019
IPEX BBQ – It was noted that at 12 noon today October 16, 2019 a combined gathering of the RID and MID, including employees and board members, will be held at the RID shop. IPEX has provided steaks and Joe Buller is heading up the BBQ. This is very much appreciated by the RID board.
Forty Mile pumping agreement – The manager and board reviewed a draft of the proposed agreement in detail.
Collaborative meeting – This meeting has been rescheduled until January 22, 2020. RID directors and the Manager are requested to attend this meeting along with the MID, SMRID and TID boards and managers.
New RID Manager – A resume from a potential candidate was reviewed by the board. The board requested Gordon to interview this individual and report back in the next meeting. It is understood that the individual is currently employed and understands the timeline of when the job would come available.
RID cell phone policy – A formal cell phone policy for district owned cell phones used by RID employees was approved on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Altalink Stirling substation upgrade – The board was made aware of this upgrade which will hopefully assist the IRRICAN 4,5,6 hydro plant with less down time due to line difficulties.
New parcels with permanent irrigation acres – On motion by Rod Wendorff the board set the minimum permanent irrigation acres on a new parcel to be at least 50 acres. Carried.
Next meeting date – Thursday November 21, 2019, to be held at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 2:35 PM on motion by Craig Palmer.