Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday, January 16, 2019 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, Rod Wendorff director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado as needed.
IRP Project Update – Mark noted that the 2341 project is progressing well due to favorable weather. The number 8 drop structure was deteriorated to a point that it will need to be removed and replaced entirely. All other structures have been in very good condition. The culvert crossings and culvert drop will be installed beginning soon.
Monthly Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of work performed over the past month
Irrican Power – TID approved – Irrican Forty Mile Solar Project proposal from Enmax using the financing option (close to neutral cash flow, upside to Irrican). TID is hoping negotiators can get us the 2.5% SMRID got on the other project. The RID board also requested that this item be included for information at the AGM. 2018 year-end audit is completed and is in review process with the senior auditors. Audit report will be given at the ICPC AGM on January 29, 2019 No unusual expenses are expected this off season, the operating account will have around $5,000,000.00 to begin the 2019 operation year.
RID financial –Kelvin Kado – I am preparing the RID 2018 year-end. Curtis Start completed the computer updates and maintenance December 28, 2018 and January 4, 2019.He was pleased with the condition and surprised by the cleanness of the computers. We have updated to the latest office suite software program and upgraded all the computers to SSD hard drives and 2 new larger monitors. The cost was minimal due to Boxing Week sale prices. With the new hard drives all computers will have their own internal back-up and should be good for another 4 or 5 years. NRG invoices will be completed for R7-1 and R8-2 will be going out in the next 2 weeks. A review on the R8-2 billing needs to be completed, due to some unused systems and the additional charge to household purposes customers. Kelvin booked hotels for the AIDA convention in Calgary Monday, Feb. 4th and Feb 5th. Payment to AIDA for the conference to be finalized today. Rotary Dinner Dance February 9, 2019 tickets.
AIDA – AIDA conf Calgary hotel rooms booked for all. February 5th and 6th stay in hotel the nights of 4th and 5th John McKee also reported on a recent executive committee meeting he attended. He noted that he required more information in order for him to make an informed decision with regard to reservoir ranking and which reservoir will give the districts the best all-round return on investment from the Alberta tax payer. The AIDA plans to collectively approach the Alberta Government once this information is agreed upon by the AIDA and hopefully get more storage constructed in southern Alberta. He also noted that the RID will supply people for the last day of Aggie days which is held in Calgary.
Alternate parcel acres (APA) – The following information is in answer to a question raised by John McKee in the December 2018 board meeting. The TID has a bylaw in place for this. Making large investments on dry parcels is a common concern for APAs, especially if system capacity is strained. APA’s are annual and may not be available in subsequent years if enough acres are added/transferred to the system to fill capacity. The risk is on the landowner so it is up to them to determine whether it makes sense for their operation. Ideally, this is a temporary/transition situation. There is also increased burden on the district to administer these agreements, including tracking and verification that acres on the ‘donor’ parcel are not being irrigated. It is very important that a landowner considering an APA understands the risks and that the district does not provide or imply any ongoing availability of this form of agreement. The RID board requested that a similar by-law to the TID by-law be drafted for approval in April along with all other RID by-laws for 2019.
Directors Items – Gordon noted that new RID aerial photos taken in July of 2018 have been received and will be inserted into the Districts Map Info program ASAP.
Transfer of irrigation acres from: 15 acres from W1/2-NW-32-6-20-W4 Friesen. 15 acres from NW-32-6-20-W4 Friesen. 10 acres from S1/2-SW-8-6-19-W4 P Hofer. 5 acres from SW-8-6-19-W4 P Hofer. 11 acres from NW-7-6-20-W4 P Hofer. 4 acres from NW-7-6-20-W4 P Hofer. 2 acres from SE-13-6-20-W4 A Hofer. 2 acres from SE-13-6-20-W4 A Hofer. Transfer all To: P Hofer NW&SW-31-5-19-W4. Approve on motion by Craig Palmer subject to a suitable land classification and formal addition of the NW&SW-31-5-19-W4 to the district being completed and a remote parcel agreement being signed by the owner. Carried.
New parcel addition – On motion by Rod Wendorff the board approved adding the SW-5-6-19-W4 to the district. Carried. The parcel is owned by Mike Hofer and Mike hopes to purchase unused rights or rent alternate parcel acres for this parcel and erect a 130 acre pivot on the parcel. It was noted that a remote parcel agreement must also be signed by the owner.
Main Canal – increased costs – It was noted that the TID board of directors approved supporting the recommendation of SMRID’s engineering and finance departments to provide additional financial contributions to the Main Canal Accounts of $1.00 per acre for the forecast chute rehabilitation projects as per item 26b of Main Canal Agreement, with the accompanying request for SMRID to pursue available funding for which the proposed major works rehabilitation may be eligible (e.g. ICIP). TID also noted that at the next MCAC meeting, they wish SMRID to identify the approximate seven structures referenced in the last MCAC meeting and provide a brief status report on their location and condition. This will be very helpful in explaining the increased contribution at the AGM and in related communications with water users. On motion by John McKee the RID board also approved the $1.00 per acre increase in support of the increased costs to capital repairs required to infrastructure on the main canal. Carried.
RID staff winter party – January 31, 2019 at the Raymond Ag Society Barn.
ORRSC – Lots 1&2, block 102, Plan 4489J parcel 18 plan 4489J and Lot 2, Block 107, Plan 4489J within NE-7-6-20-W4, Jared and Reid Heggie – To subdivide 2.00 acres from a 12.00-acre title and consolidate it to an adjacent north 4.98-acre title. Thereby creating an enlarged 6.58-acre sized parcel, for country residential use. Approved on motion by Craig Palmer subject to all permanent irrigation acres being removed from the affected acreage titles prior to RID signing subdivision documents, carried.
Lethbridge County – Re: Dec 20, 2018 letter from Lorne Hickey. They are proposing a meeting between local municipalities and ID’s regarding common interests and concerns. The RID board would like the following issue included. The use of our works for drainage and general drainage issues, also where acreage subdivisions should and should not be allowed.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 9:00 AM at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended – Having no further business the board ended the meeting at 2:52 PM on motion by John McKee.