Meeting highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday November 15, 2017 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: John McKee Chairman, Craig Palmer vice Chair, Rod Wendorff Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager. Kelvin Kado as needed.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2321 W#5 phase #5 – Gordon noted that the RID crew have hydrovaced the
utilities on the line assignment for the Meyer line, we are now waiting for Alex Vanee
to install the line across Oudman’s with his trencher. The RID crew have also
installed the Tee required to make the connection to our W#5 line.
IRP 2334 Stirling #16 – The project began Nov 15, 2017 at the north end in the
Roger Snow parcel.
Maintenance report – Mark showed the board a slide presentation of work completed under the district’s IRP and maintenance program over the past month.
Irrican Power – Kelvin Kado – October 31 year end and financial reports are being completed. I am putting the audit book together I will be working with Joyce to get books ready for the auditors. I would expect that I should have my part together by November 30 on schedule. Copy of income comparison to September for review. Much better than 2016, but still not great. The amount would be sufficient for future operating costs once loans are paid out.
RID financial – A majority of Irrigation rates were paid by October 31, 2017. Copy of aged A/R for review. Ever increasing number of payments coming through bank transfer. Sale of irrigation rights have taken place, as noted, all have accepted the offer and happy with payment terms. No complaints about price or amount awarded. Just a note that we have had to subsidize our operating cost by $100,000.00 which is $2/acre. This is following our budget proposed last spring. This is from our investment savings. It would be the same shortfall next year as well. Options to consider over the winter: 1 – increase 2018 rate by $2.50/ acre = $14.50/acre, 2 – continue to use funds from our savings/investments, 3 – in 2019 use some of the funds from the sale of irrigation acres. FYI… TID has gone through this same problem, in conversation with them, they have moved their rate to $16/acre in 2017 and will look to increase again in 2018. Capital sales should be used for capital items, a consideration for capital purchases and expansion needs, this should be addressed in a long term plan. Employment standards will have a few small adjustments January 1, 2018. Most will have minimal change to our policies.
New Irrigation acre applications – As noted in the financial report of these minutes,
all applicants have agreed to purchase the new acres offered and all have signed an
agreement noting this. The board requested management and staff to complete all
requirements needed to finalize the inclusion of the noted acres on the assessment
roll of the district. These new acres will be added to the roll January 1, 2018.
Directors items – There were no directors items.
Wilde Brothers Pivot on S1/2-4-7-20-W4 – want to transfer 32 unused irrigation acres from to S1/2-4-7-20-W4 for a total of 172 under the new pivot – This was approved by the board on motion by Rod Wendorff and carried.
Main canal Advisory committee – review percentages – approx. 130 kilometers from north ridge outlet gates to horsefly inlet gate. Approx. 29 Kilometers from north Ridge outlet gates to north RID boundary.
2017 – SMRID 390, 717 – TID 83,801, RID 46,500 – acres on assessment rolls.
2017 Diversion from Alberta Environment – 666,100 AcFt
Diversion to District Storage -48,800 AcFt
Total Use 714,900 AcFt
SMRID 536,900 AcFt
TID 123,900 AcFt
RID 54,100 AcFt
These are the water usage numbers from the Current Year spreadsheet. They are rounded to the
nearest 100 Ac Ft.
TOTAL 714,900 acft
SMRID 536,900 75.1%
TID 123,900 17.3%
RID 54,100 7.6%
TOTAL 521,018 acres
SMRID 390,717 75.0%
TID 83,801 16.1%
RID 46,500 8.9%
Main Canal 130 km – RID 29 km 22.31%
A letter from John Mahoney of Alberta Environment was also discussed which explained river flow augmentation that occurred in the 2017 season, and what was learned. This letter was in response to a query from Chris Gallagher, who noted that more water was diverted to the river than minimum flows required in 2017. On dry years the reservoir “dry year fill curve” should be followed which leaves more water available in our reservoirs.
The board reviewed the above information and thanked staff for providing this information.
Ron McMullin – Thank you card for gift – A thank you card was circulated which was received from Ron McMullin addressed to RID board and management.
Employee’s – retirement – discussion – employment standards. As noted in the financial report. Further to this the board asked Gordon to meet with Phil Wilde and Brian Rarick to discuss their proposed retirement plans. The board would like to set a 5 year plan for employees retiring as several are of similar age.
AIPA directors meeting – November 20, Lethbridge Lodge Hotel at 2 PM for all RID directors, also November 21 and 22 AIPA conference at the Lethbridge Lodge Hotel – All are registered except for Rod Wendorff who will be away.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended. – There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM on motion by Rod Wendorff.