Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Monday September 12, 2016 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Craig Palmer Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager as required.
The Agenda for the, September 12, 2016 meeting was approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
The Minutes of the, July 27, 2016 board meeting were approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2321 W#5 phase #5 – The pipe has been ordered early to avoid a planned price increase. The road push of the tower road will begin as soon as possible.
Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of work completed under the district’s maintenance and the IRP program over the past month.
Irrican Power – July and August income was poor, both price and production were down. We had to tap into our line of credit for $200,000.00 and it could be up another $500,000.00 by the end of October. Mainly to cover loan payments to the districts and we may need to use more line of credit funds to cover the March 2016 loan payments. Joyce and I are monitoring the situation closely.
RID financial – 2016 assessment went okay, it did go out 1 day late. This was due to our rate changes that caused a couple small computer problems. It was corrected by our software provider and everything was good to go on the 16th. We have been receiving a few phone calls wondering if we made a mistake and charged them too much. They were wondering why it has had to go up. We indicated that due to Main Canal maintenance going up $1.00/acre for 2015 was a main factor as well the cost of operations has gone up since our last rate change in 2011. Our cash position has been very tight the past few months, due to the $1.00 increase in Main Canal maintenance charged for 2015. Outstanding account are coming in. Many more are taking advantage of the online banking, we had 41 online payments in August, just about 40%. Insurance adjuster was out and assessed the damage for our roofs. After $1000 deductible we would get $21,984. The first estimate was $22,104 to reroof, we are waiting on 1 more estimate.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Len Ring has met with Alberta Agriculture officials and is putting together a plan for the RID to proceed with a plebiscite.
RID Return Flows – It was noted that return flows were down less than 50% in the month of August 2016 as compared to August 2015.
Roofing Quote – The insurance company adjusted the hail damage to the RID roofs on all buildings located within the RID yard at approximately $22,000. If a cash settlement was received the RID would only get $15,000. A quote has been acquired from one local contractor to replace the asphalt shingles for a total of just over $21,000. The RID will need to hire a contractor to take advantage of the full insurance money available. The board requested staff to have the roof replaced with asphalt from the lowest bid received from a local contractor.
Directors Items – Byron noted that the board needs to continue to consider a long range plan regarding management of the RID. There will be changes coming within the next 3 to 5 years in this regard. Craig Palmer noted that the bridges over the main canal should be assessed to determine what maintenance is required and if it might be possible for the RID to complete any of it. Trever from SMRID will be contacted to see if he might be able to help with an assessment here.
ORRSC – Country Residential subdivision of Lots 69, 70, 76, 77, Plan 1 346J within SE1/4 13-6-21-W4M – Ralph – The board will approve this subdivision subject to 12 acres remaining with Ralphs furthest east title. Any new turnouts required must be paid by the owner. A Either a household purposes agreement or Alternate parcel agreement can be accessed to deliver water to the additional new titles. On motion my John McKee and carried.
Household purposes agreement – Plan 0912838 block 4 Lot 9 – Approved on motion by Craig Palmer.
Household purposes agreement – Plan 9310831 Block A Lot 1 NW-32-6-19-W4 – Approved on motion by Craig Palmer.
County of Warner – RE; purchase of old R/W near RID yard – The board agreed to allow staff to move forward to the possibility of purchasing an old unused road allowance adjacent to the RID yard.
CPR – letter re: Cardston spur line – It was noted that the line has not been decommissioned and is still considered an open line as of this date.
Irrigation secretariat – Grants for ID’s IRP (letter from secretariat) The board noted the various splits of the dollars granted to the ID’s under the IRP.
Main canal advisory com – July 28 meeting. A priority list of syphon replacement in the RID was supplied to Trever at SMRID. – Conference call September 13, 2016 Re: water shut off date – Byron and Gordon will join this call.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, October 19, 2016 – commencing g at 9:00 AM at the RID board room.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting ended. – There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM on motion by Byron Wilde.