Highliights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday May 25, 2016 commencing at 12:00 PM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Craig Palmer Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager as required.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2307 – W#5 phase 4 – Construction is completed
IRP 2308 – Ortho Photo’s – The board viewed the new photo’s
IRP 2321 W#5 phase #5 – working on procuring easements
Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of work completed under the district’s maintenance and the IRP program over the past month.
Irrican Power – Received info about income, April 2016, energy production 3,922.66 MW and $56,119.00 in the first month of generation. Average pool price for April $13.63/MWh. Beginning of May had good generation due to dry conditions. Bank account has $1,330,000 on deposit.
RID financial – Kelvin Kado – The month has been busy getting alternate parcel (transfers) ready for the 2016 irrigation season. We have had some new Household Purposes Agreements come in as well. (144)
Kelvin attended a seminar on May 19 about health benefits and what is happening in the insurance/benefits industry. The first speaker spoke about the benefit to companies that provide health and fitness benefits/programs to their employees. The Alberta “be fit for life” program. The second speaker spoke about the cost of prescription drugs and how the benefits of federal government generic drug program is a savings to the employees. The next few years will see more drug patents drop off and we will see more savings. The third speaker spoke on remaining positive and achieving greatness.
Vehicle insurance expires the end of June 2016. Last year we paid $7,078.00 for vehicles and the renewal was looking at $7,200.00 from WFG. Total insurance premiums we paid in 2015 was $15,623.00. AAMDC has been requesting the chance to quote for our insurance, they gave a quote of $10,680.00 for vehicles, business liability, buildings and equipment. Savings of $4,943.00 from last year. Kelvin spoke with WFG and they sharpened their pencil. WFG requoted at $6,212 with an increase of liability to $5,000,000.00. We will stay with WFG for now.
Replacement of the photocopier, $4995.00 down from $6995.00 due to Digitex’s year end clearance sale. Offer is good to the end of May only. Has fax integrated into the machine. With addition of the fax we can sell our machine for $1000.00. Copier trade not worth anything.
On motion by Craig Palmer the board approved the purchase of a new photocopier as outlined, carried.
LAPP: APS is moving into a new online system. Kelvin has been to 2 training sessions to prepare for the change. The system is currently frozen May 17 – May 31. The new system will be ready to go June 1.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Jennifer Nitschelm attended the meeting regarding this item. She went over the options available and explained a short historical review of the ongoing process. It was noted that a plebiscite was completed in 2004 which received a negative vote from the RID water users. Jennifer went over, in some detail, the various options available and the data used to determine computer modeling outcome. The board thanked Jennifer for her assistance with the matter and she left the meeting at approximately 1:20 PM. The board determined that the issue required more deliberation and requested the manager to call a special meeting during the next rain fall event to discuss the matter further.
RID Return Flows – Gordon explained that Lloyd Healy of Alberta Agriculture has been reading the weir data on a monthly basis and sharing same with the district. The goal is to reduce return flows as much as possible and to understand how the data is being collected.
Directors Items – John McKee went over details of some of the Stirling water users concerns with water ordering and in trying to reduce return flows. This is an ongoing educational issue that he will continue to assist with as much as possible.
Synergy land services – Gordon noted that this company is located in Fort Macleod and could assist the RID with land services such as easement procurement. The information was noted by the board for possible future consideration.
Reschedule RID board meetings – Due to personal scheduling conflicts with a volunteer position, Byron Wilde asked if the board meetings could be held the 4th Wednesday of each month rather than the third. The board agreed to make the change in favor of Byron’s request.
Irrigation Council – ID assessment rolls for 2015 – This information was circulated to the board for their review.
Flood irrigation amount per application – 7 inches? – Gordon noted that one water user had requested that the amount available for flood irrigation be based on 7 inches per flood rather than 10 inches. The board asked Gordon to investigate whether there has been some research done in this regard to determine if 7 inches per flood is feasible and fair.
Letter from Raymond Rotary Club – Gordon noted that the Raymond Rotary club is looking for new members or volunteers to assist with service projects.
Nelson Family Ranches – proposed new pivot on 3-6-19-W4 – Gordon noted that Nelsons have completed a favorable land classification on the noted parcel. They would like to rent unused irrigation acres from other RID water users to accommodate a 400 acre pivot on the parcel. The board noted that they will consider this favorably and are looking for the acres to be transferred to come before them for consideration. This must however take place very soon in order for Nelsons to irrigate on the parcel in 2016.
Beaser/Bartsoff – Alternate parcel agreement for 2016 – 25.5 acres from: NW-9-6-20-W4 to SE-17-6-19-W4. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Mehew/Tollestrup – Alternate parcel agreement for 2016 – 130 acres from: SE-15-5-21-W4 to E1/2-16-6-20-W4. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
Bullock/Tollestrup– Alternate parcel Agreement for 2016 – 35 acres from SW-8, SE33, EH and SH 33-6-21-W4 to E1/2-16-6-20-W4. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Snow/Tollestrup – Alternate parcel Agreement for 2016 – 15 acres from SW-13-6-21-W4 to E1/2-16-6-20-W4. Approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Hanson/Heatwole – Alternate parcel agreement for 2016 – 11 acres from S/1/2-36-6-20-W4 to SW-6-6-19-W4
Herget/McKee – Alternate parcel agreement for 2016 – 40 acres from SW-30-6-19-W4 to NW-7-6-18-W4. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde.
Leishman/Heatwole – Alternate parcel agreement for 2016 – 11 acres from SW-36-6-20-W4 to SW-36-6-20-W4. Approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.
Household Purposes Agreement – Ina Jena Meldrum – Plan 8710670 blk 8 NE-15-6-21-W4. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
Household Purposes Agreement –Pat and Ed Vandenberge plan 0811829 blk 118 lots 4&5 NE-7-6-W4. Approved on motion by Craig Palmer and carried.