Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday January 20, 2016 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Craig Palmer Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Office Manager as required.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen.
IRP 2307 – W#5 phase 4 – The pipe installation is continuing.
IRP 2308 – Ortho Photo’s – Gordon noted that the photos have still not arrived yet.
Maintenance report – Mark Jensen gave a slide show noting work completed by staff over the past two months.
Irrican Power – Kelvin Kado – Accountants have completed the Audit of the 2015 books. They indicate that they have not found any irregularities. There will be an exit meeting on January 21 at 9:30 am just before the ICPC board meeting. Joyce and I will present a report to the ICPC board at the board meeting. The auditors will do a financial report at the ICPC AGM in the afternoon. No unusual expenses so far this off season. Account balance $3,078,130.00 which gives adequate funds to start the 2016 production year. SMRID officers and board will not be available for a few days next week due to a board week.
RID financial – Kelvin Kado -. Another year has quickly come and gone. As things stay the same, we have seen a number of changes happen this year. Assessment roll is correct and reconciled for year-end. There have been changes this year. Account receivables are coming in steady, balance due is $161,850 of which $81,604 is from our own ICW account for December progress certificate. Our general bank account has $97,964. Our cash position is lower than in past years, primarily due to additional Main Canal costs in 2015 $40,621.83 and general expenses. I am now in the process of preparing RID books for our accountant. Along with the books will be a review of our budget. Our income from the assessment has not changed since 2012 and since that time wages and operating costs have continued to climb. We have had a balanced budget to 2015, but with the additional costs in 2015 and 2016 to Main Canal and operational costs which includes salary adjustments.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Gordon was requested to finish the power point presentation for the next board meeting.
Directors Items – It was noted that Jennifer Nitschelm has been appointed the new Manager of the Irrigation secretariat office. The board noted their agreement with the appointment.
Stirling lake 30 year water supply agreement – ending November 10, 2017 – Gordon noted that the district needs to inform the Provincial Government that the agreement is coming to a close. Byron Wilde requested Gordon to inform the Government about this soon so that the proper department can be determined for a future agreement and billing.
RID seminar – The board went over a proposed agenda for the seminar which will be held March 17, 2016 at the Raymond Agricultural Society main building. Gordon will finalize agenda items as discussed by the board. The RID AGM will also be held the same day.
RID Board and Staff winter party – The board set the date as February 4th at the Raymond seniors building.
Mussel Dog training – Gordon noted that there is $26,470.62 left in the training fund managed by the EID. There will be enough to train one more team consisting of trainer and dog, for the mussel inspection effort in southern Alberta.
Formal letters from SMRID board chairman RE: bridges and early water shutoff – The letters were noted by the board.
ORRSC – Final approval was given for the subdivision of a parcel located in SW-16-6-20-W4. A 13 acre parcel containing the yard will become a separate title with no permanent irrigation acres on it.
Transfer of irrigation acres – A land owner is requesting approval to transfer 30 irrigation acres to SW-16-6-21-W4. This was approved by the board on motion by John McKee subject to the landowner accepting complete financial and physical responsibility for the delivery point and its maintenance and future replacement cost. Carried. A formal transfer must be presented in a future board meeting to complete the transfer.
Water Quality meeting held Dec 18 – 2011-2015 water quality report. Gordon noted that there is still $30,000 left in the fund. A proposal to carry on with water quality monitoring will be made to the AIPA.
Next meeting date – Monday February 22, 2016.