Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday February 25, 2015 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Alan Heggie director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager and Kelvin Kado, Offiice Manager as required.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen
IRP 2262 W#5 phase 2 – nothing to report
IRP 2280 W#5 phase 3 – last pipe installed February 20, 2015
Maintenance report – Mark showed the board a slide presentation outlining work completed over the past month.
Irrican Power – Byron Wilde reviewed the directors and annual meeting attended on January 28, 2015 at the SMRID board room. Byron noted that the average pool price for 2014 was very low. Byron also noted that it is projected that all four plants could be paid off within the next four years.
Kelvin Kado (Irrican report) – 2014 Year-end Financial Statement for October 31, 2014 has been completed and we have closed the financial year. A report was given at the January 28 Board meeting and AGM.
Reserve Funds have been deposited with RBC DS as reported last month. We do have just over $1,800,000.00 in our operating account.
All is quiet and there will not be anything to report until we get ready for the new production year, there will be a payment to the districts on March 15.
RID Financial – Report by Kelvin Kado – I sent out reminder notices with a note to those that are on Rate enforcement.
We are getting RID year end information put together, so I can deliver to Doug Wilde Accounting Thursday February 26, 2015.
T-4’s have been issued.
Reminder: Time to start looking at budget items, is there any capital purchases that we need to consider for the upcoming budget? Any equipment updates required? We have capital funds on deposit for this. Donation towards the evasive species program already made at $10,000.00. Inflation has been increasing at a rate of 1.5%-1.9%/year, December 2014 report. Increase of $.50/acre increases our gross income from irrigators, household another by approximately $28,000.00. We last changed our rates in 2012. Our rates could handle operating capital needs for probably 1 more year, for future consideration.
AIPA benefits – Transition from Alberta Blue Cross to Great West Life, The last report shows that we are at a loss ratio of 81% which is considered very good. The Target loss ratio is at 85%. The unused funds, if any, will be added to our claims reserve currently at $131,489.31, rather than to Blue Cross admin fees as in past years. It looks like the self-administration system will work out fine. We are nearing the $135,000.00 reserve requirement that we have set for our group.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Waiting now for modeling information from AAFRD. This will take several months.
Main Canal Advisory Committee Meeting – Chairman Byron Wilde reported that he and Gordon had attended this meeting held January 28, commencing at 9:30 PM at the SMRID board room. The RID share of main canal costs for 2015 is $72,075.00. He also noted that a biological agent is being considered as a possible way to improve water quality for the Town of Raymond in Cross Coulee reservoir. The SMRID bridge concerns were also discussed at this meeting and the RID once again expressed its dislike for the current down loading of costs to the main canal. Previously Alberta Transportation has replaced and maintained the bridges since their installation in the 1950,s. The main canal committee has agreed to pay 50% of maintenance only. The other 50% must come from other sources such as the affected landowners. Gordon Z and Trevor H will meet with affected landowners soon to discuss the issue. It was also noted that Lawrence Wegwits of ESRD has been appointed to fill Terrance’s old position.
RID Strategic Plan – including remaining IRP projects and more GIS overlay on Map Info. – Darin Wilde and Jeff Lowry were welcomed into the meeting at 10:00 AM. They proceeded to demonstrate to the board the GIS information that they have found online through open sources and compiled. It was noted that a meeting had occurred with AAFRD employee Larry Kwasny and that several useful suggestions had come from that meeting. Jeff went over each overlay with the board which included the RID works, major gas lines, transportation network, and topography. The board was very impressed. Gordon noted that there are some corrections required to the RID works overlay but that they are something that could be updated in a short time. The board requested Darin and Jeff to continue building this GIS system. A different software is being used. The board thanked Darin and Jeff for their attendance. They left the meeting at approximately 11 AM.
RID Seminar and Annual meeting March 19, 2015 – Gordon went over the final Seminar agenda with the board. The seminar will commence at 9:30 AM. It was noted that the RID Annual Meeting will be held in the afternoon of the same date at the same venue commencing at 2:00 PM in the Raymond Agricultural Society Main building.
RID Resolution – Resolution 2015-1 – Being a resolution to appoint a Board of Director member of the Raymond Irrigation District – On motion by Alan Heggie the resolution was passed.
RID winter party – Proposed date March 25, 2015 – venue TBA. This gathering will also honor Alan Heggie at his retirement from the board. Alan’s children and their spouses will be invited.
Directors Items – John McKee questioned whether a Vac truck should be purchased by the RID. Kelvin noted that in 2013 the RID spent $2500 and $1800.00 in 2014 for rental of such a unit. Based on these amounts it would not be worthwhile to purchase a vac unit.
Raymond Chamber of Commerce Annual Trade Fair – March 28, 2015 – The RID requested RID staff to once again organize an irrigation booth that can be part of this event.
Gary and Reid Schneider review irrigable unit and easements for 31-6-19 and 36-6-20. Gordon reviewed the history of the current delivery points, irrigable units and easements affecting the noted parcels.
EID – Thanked the RID board for a $10,000 contribution toward training sniffer dogs that are able to detect invasive mussels on water craft.
OWC – Thanked the RID board for a $300.00 contribution.
Craddock reservoir and New Dayton lateral water quality report interpreted by Jollin Charest – Mark and Gordon reviewed with the board the results of water sampling completed in the Craddock reservoir area in 2014. The results show that there where times that the water is not fit to irrigate certain crops. The Board requested RID staff to complete one more season of sampling that can be compared to the first year results. If it is deemed advisable by the second round of sampling, a determination of how to deal with the concern will be made at that time.
AIPA – directors meeting schedule for 2015 – noted by Byron.
CWRA – Conference in Red Deer April 19 to 21, 2015 – RID will not attend.
Alan Heggie – Chairman Byron Wilde thanked Alan for his many years of service as a member of the RID board. He noted that this will be Alan’s last formal RID board meeting. Byron noted that Alan began his service in March of 1988 also serving several years as Chairman of the board. Byron noted that Alan’s sage advice and wisdom will be missed. Several others in the meeting added their comments as well. Alan thanked the board and staff for making the RID what it is. He noted that he certainly will miss sitting on the board and that it has been a very satisfying experience to represent the water users of the RID.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Motion to adjourn and time meeting – There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM on motion by Alan Heggie.