Highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday March 19, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman, John McKee Vice Chairman, Director Alan Heggie, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, as required and Mark Jensen, Operations Manager.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen and Gordon ZoBell.
IRP 2262 – Welling #5 phase 2 – Installation of the pipe is complete as well as alterations to the diversion box east of Ag Steel. Once frost has come out the project trench area will be leveled.
IRP 2280 phase 3 – The board is considering adding more funds to this phase. They instructed the manager to get a quote on how much additional dollars would be required to extend this reach to include the Randal Wilde turn out located in 27-6-21-W4. The manager will have this information for the next board meeting.
Stirling 16&17 – The board instructed the manager to have the district engineer to begin the design process of these laterals aimed at having a final design and easements completed within a reasonable time.
RID Maintenance report – Mark Jensen showed the board a slide presentation of pictures showing IRP related items, there was no maintenance of the works completed over the past month.
Irrican Power – On January 23, 2014 Irrican received Rec funds for 2013 production year from ENMAX. Irrican also received funds from a lost FORTIS cheque, it was for a July Option “M” cheque lost in September 2013. Just after October 31, 2013 year end, it was discovered that the cheque was missing. Kelvin contacted FORTIS and a new cheque was to be issued. Irrican board approved a payment to districts of $1,000,000.00 from excess 2012/2013 operating capital to pay down CASH LOAN to each district, of which, RID received a 10% portion ($100,000.00). This was paid on March 14 in addition to the ACFA payment due on March 15. More to come, around year end, if funds are available. The Irrican board met on March 14, 2014 at the SMRID board room. Members of the Ridge Water Services Commission made a presentation to the board regarding water quality at Ridge reservoir. A meeting will be set up with all of the Commission members and the Irrican board as soon as possible to further discuss this issue.
RID Financial – Report from Kelvin Kado – Reminder notices (Statements) were sent to irrigators with overdue accounts. Remaining unpaid is from the 2012 assessment. We have begun the collection process, have called and spoken with or left voice messages with water users for their late accounts, so we can hopefully avoid any Rate Enforcement.
Water usage report from Ridge Water Services has been received. Town of Raymond, Village of Stirling, Village of Warner and the County of Warner will be sent invoices.
Financial statement is completed, Auditors to present at AGM.
AIPA benefits group has decided to change how our plan is administrated. Changing from Blue Cross Funded to what is called an ASO program. Over the past 10 years our group has left about $192,000.00 for Alberta Blue Cross. This will change our responsibility for losses. We are required to fund a reserve of $88,000.00. Our portion is $2800.00. We may be required to provide more or to adjust premiums, but we expect to see this reserve grow.
AIPA – The next AIPA directors meeting will be held March 31, 2014 in Vauxhall commencing at 10:00 AM. Gordon and Byron will attend.
RID Annual Meeting and Seminar – March 20, 2014 – All presenters have been assigned for the seminar.
Town of Raymond – County of Warner – water quality concerns at Ridge Reservoir – Gordon noted that the irrigation community has been very proactive with regard to water quality at Ridge reservoir and has been working with members of the Ridge Water Services Commission.
Expansion Plebiscite in the RID – Byron and Gordon went over their expansion presentation with the board. This presentation will be given at the seminar and is geared to get the water users thinking about what the RID should do with its saved water. The board intends to conduct a plebiscite vote, regarding expansion, in early 2015.
Jim Csabay SMRID board member – Retirement party March 20, 2014 at 4:00 PM. Byron Wilde will attend and make a presentation on behalf of the RID.
Main Canal Advisory Committee Meeting held March 14, 2014 – Byron and Gordon attended. The meeting began at 9:30 AM at the SMRID board room. The main concerns raised were, having more Advisory Committee meetings in keeping with the main canal agreement and a bridge maintenance concern. The committee only held one meeting last year and is supposed to meet at least quarterly under the terms of the main canal agreement. It was determined that the committee will meet in conjunction with the Tuesday water management group on two occasions within the season. Two other meetings will be held prior to water startup and after water shutdown. The second concern is that bridges on the main canal are in need of maintenance as soon as possible. The cost to maintain three of the bridges in the reach within the RID is about $50,000. The Advisory Committee passed a motion which stated that the committee recommends that 100% funding for the bridge maintenance should come from the main canal account. This information will be presented to the SMRID board in their next board meeting.
Town of Raymond and RID R/W transfer – Gordon noted that this transfer has been completed for the area near Corner Lake and the KD Jen subdivision.
Next meeting date – Wednesday, April 16, 2014 commencing at 9:00 AM at the RID board room.