High Lights the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Monday, May 24, 2012 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending: Byron Wilde Chairman,John McKeeVice Chairman, Alan Heggie Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, , Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, attended as required. Mark Jensen Operations Manager was unable to attend due to a Magnacide delivery.
IRP Project Update given by Gordon ZoBell.
Water Management Special Funding IRP 2146 – Still experiencing problems with some of the new devices installed.
IRP 2218 – Stirling #12 – The pipe has been tested. There is a problem with the isolation valve for the Nelson portion of the pipeline on the lower end of the project.
IRP 2240 – Welling #5 – The Berezay easement is ready to secure. Phase two of the project will require the pipeline to stay on Wilde Brothers property until it enters Berezay’s.
RID Maintenance report – Gordon gave the board an update on maintenance that was performed prior to water being turned on. Several bank sloughs on the main canal from Hwy 52 beef all the way to south of Welling were repaired. There will be some disaster assistance funding to assist the RID with these repairs.
Irrican – The three power plants were started this spring without problems. The power pool prices have been low. Tom Crooks and Kent Bullock are working on alternate contracts to sell power from the Raymond and Chin Plants, once the Small Power contract we currently sell power through, is completed in 2013. Income generation began in April of this year, with the three plants having a gross income of $400,394.00 for that month.
RID financial report from Kelvin – Rate enforcement was reduced with all accounts being paid.
Directors Items – John McKee noted that there were several thefts along the northern most road boundary of the RID recently. He requested that the RID staff be vigilant as they move throughout the district, in looking for things out of the ordinary. John also noted that he has conversed with the Lethbridge County foreman regarding cleaning the drain ditch on the northern edge of Jack Kearns parcels. This cleaning job is expected to be completed by the county soon.
RID Proposed Plebiscite Vote – From Alberta Agriculture, Roger Hohm, Jennifer Nitschelm and Bob Riewe, attended the board meeting at 9:30 AM to discuss the plebiscite. Roger noted that the RID must decide what level of risk might be acceptable to the district and of how many acres the board wishes to expand to. The information is entered into a computer model that runs several scenarios of cropping and weather data along with the proposed acre increases. The first thing that Rogers group require from the RID is up to date crop and water use records. Jennifer can assist the RID with entering this information into DDIT and will meet with the RID staff to discuss this further. RID Chairman Byron Wilde thanked the group for their interest in the RID and for any assistance that can be given regarding a plebiscite vote.
Pipe dream – possible funding being pursued from CCEMC – Alan Heggie suggested that the name be changed to eliminate the dream portion. Alan noted that the project should be a reality not a dream. After some discussion the board determined that the RID Gravity Pipeline System or (GPS) should be adopted. Darin Wilde entered the meeting at approximately 10:30 AM to discuss this project. Gordon and Darin went over a possible funding source that was brought to the attention of the RID. The funding source is from Climate Changes and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC). This organization will fund up to seven million dollars or 1/3 of a given project that meets the criteria set out. Lloyd Healy of AB Ag attended a tutorial in Calgary regarding the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI must be submitted online no later than 4:30 PM July 5, 2012. Gordon and Darin requested permission to continue work towards the submission of an EOI regarding the RID-GPS project. On motion by John McKee the board approved making this application to the CCEMC.
Thank you from Richard Phillips family – Gordon noted that the RID had received a thank you card from the Phillips family thanking the RID for flowers that were sent in honor of Ryan Phillips who recently passed away. Ryan Phillips is the son of Richard Phillips who is the General Manager of the BRID.
Household Purposes Agreement – Leslie and Elena Loewen –NE-11-6-21-W4 – plan 9711687 block 1 lot 5. Approved on motion by Alan Heggie and carried.
Household Purposes Agreement – Ivan John and Tobi Anne Lyons – NW-17-6-20-W4 – plan 7910884 block 81 lot 3. Approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.
Household Purposes Agreement – Jacilyn Duce –NE-18-6-20-W4 plan 0714422 block 1 lot 1. Approved on motion by Alan Heggie and carried.
Raymond 4H – Mattayha Tolley – looking for a donation for the sale of her steer. On motion by John McKee the board approved a donation of $200.00. Carried. The board noted that they would feel more comfortable making a donation directly to the club rather than an individual club member. Gordon was requested to clarify this for future possible donations.
AIPA executive meeting May 2, 2012 GZ report – Prismatic suggests AIPA send letters of congratulations to all MLA’s. FCC possible merger regarding some PR issues with AIPA. Fed Fisheries Act – possible changes coming to exempt ID’s from DFO regulations.
RID By-Law 2011-5 Being a Capital Assets Charge By-Law – The board discussed this charge at length. They determined that they will consider changing the by-law but would like the matter brought up in the next regular board meeting, giving them more time to consider the matter. The current capital assets charge is $750.00 per acre.
Next meeting date – June 20, 2012 at the RID board room.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:24 PM on motion by Byron Wilde.