Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Thursday, February 16, 2012 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.
Attending:Alan HeggieChairman,John McKee, Vice Chairman, Byron Wilde, Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager, Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, attended as required.
IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen and Gordon ZoBell.
Water Management Special Funding IRP 2146 – Nothing to report.
Welling 6&7 IRP 2155 – Nothing to report.
IRP 2218 – Stirling #12 – Mark reviewed the progress of the project. He noted that the pipe has been installed to within a few hundred meters north of Highway 52. He expects the project to be completed by mid March. There will be some leveling to complete after spring thaw.
IRP 2240 – Welling #5 – Gordon noted that he has obtained easements from Ben Walter and Ken Miller and Wilde Brothers. Gordon will continue to work on getting easements going north through section 21-6-21-W4.
RID Maintenance report – It was noted, that over the past month, the RID crew has not been engaged with maintenance of the works.
Irrican – Waiting for the last of the REC sales to be received.
RID financial report from Kelvin – R7 & R8 energy have been invoiced and winter water invoices have been mailed. We are in the process of finishing off 2011 year end. Scheduled to go to the accountant by the end of February. Audit will be completed by the 12 of March.
Continuing collection for accounts receivables, Total of $55031.95.
Rate enforcement: letter to be mailed out February 21, 2012, ten letters to send
Starting to work on the Budget for 2012, will have it ready for March Board meeting
T-4’s have been mailed out.
RID Website – Gordon reviewed the site with the board online. It went live on February 13, 2012, and will be a work in progress.
IRP 2260 Ortho Photo’s for 2012 – On motion by Alan Heggie the board approved this project on condition that the new photo’s are completed at 25 cm pixel (acquired at 0.25 m) at a total cost of $9896.00. The photos will be taken between July 15 and August 15, 2012. Carried.
New light truck – Mark Jensen feels the truck he is assigned will provide good service for the RID for at least one more year. The board noted this.
2012 RID Seminar March 15th, 9:30 AM Raymond Ag Society building – The finalized agenda was reviewed. Several sponsors have come forward with cash and door prize donations.
Annual meeting date – March 15, 2012 at 2:00 PM in the Raymond Agricultural Society Building. Kelvin noted that the district financial audit will be completed early March. The Manager and Chairman should have their reports completed by March 1st.
Raymond area director – nomination date – The closing date for nominations is February 21, 2012 at 4:00 PM. – The position was advertised February 9th and again on the16th in the West Winds Weekly Newspaper.
Resolution 2012-2 – Being a resolution to designate land as an irrigable unit including NW-5-6-19-W4, SW-8-6-19-W4, LSD 5&6-8-6-19-W4 and NW-8-8-19-W4. This land is owned by Paul Hofer. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
Resolution 2012-3 – Being a resolution to remove an irrigable unit endorsement on NW-8-6-19-W4, SW-8-6-19-W4 and LSD 5&6-8-6-19-W4. This land is owned by Paul Hofer. Approved on motion by John McKee and carried.
RID R/W IRR 48 – changes near Richard Larson – On motion by Alan Heggie the board approved the changes as presented by the manager and prepared by Halma Surveys. Carried.
Raymond Trade Show – March 24, 2012 – Gordon will set up AIPA/RID booth. The event will be held in the Raymond Ice Arena. Members of the board and staff and Ron McMullin will man the booth throughout the day.
Jack Kearns drainage concern – John McKee will follow up here and speak to the County of Lethbridge again regarding this issue.
Summer Temporary Employment Program – STEP – The district will not take advantage of this program in 2012.
Irrigation Council – A meeting will be held February 27th at the Holiday Inn in Lethbridge from 10:30 to 3:00 PM. The Manager and Chairman are to attend. The meeting is to discuss how the new land use (proposed) legislation will affect us.
ORRSC – proposed subdivision – SW-26-6-21-W4 – Wilde Brothers Farms Ltd. Proposal: To create a 2.12 acre (0.86 ha) parcel from a previously unsubdivided quarter section of 160 acres, (64.7 ha) for country residential use. Approved on motion by Alan Heggie subject to all current irrigation acres staying with the large parcel. Carried. A “Household Purposes” agreement can be purchased for the 2.12 acre parcel when required. Byron Wilde abstained from discussion and voting regarding this matter.
Next meeting date – March 21, 2012 at the RID board room.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:25 PM on motion by Alan Heggie.