December 2011 Board Minute Highlights

Minute highlights of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Irrigation District held Wednesday December 21, 2011 commencing at 9:00 AM in the RID Board Room.

 Attending:Alan HeggieChairman,John McKee, Vice Chairman, Byron Wilde, Director, Gordon ZoBell, General Manager and recording clerk, Mark Jensen Operations Manager, Kelvin Kado, Office Manager, attended as required.

 The Agenda for the December 21, 2011 meeting was approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.

 The Minutes of the, November 17, 2011 board meeting were approved on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.

 Note: Wilde Brothers Engineering supplied a BBQ steak dinner at noon for all RID employees and board members. The group ate in the RID shop.


IRP Project Update given by Mark Jensen and Gordon ZoBell.

IRP 2218 – Stirling #12 – Mark showed the board a slide presentation which included pictures of work progressing on this project. The buried water line has been installed starting from the north end and is now complete as far as SW-21-6-19. Work will continue in the new year following the holiday break.

 IRP 2240 – Welling #5 – Gordon went over a new proposed alignment for the area covered under phase 1 of this project. The board agreed with the proposal which will be included in the three year plan. The cost for phase one is estimated at $1,100,000.00. The entire Welling #5 project is estimated to cost 3.2 million dollars.

 2012/2013 – RID Three Year Plan – was given final approval by the board on motion by Byron Wilde and carried.

Irrican – Alan reported that a directors meeting was held December 12, 2011 at the SMRID office. The annual meeting was set as January 19th 2012 at SMRID commencing at 9:30 AM. All RID directors are to attend.  Kelvin noted that the year end financial report from the auditors, should be completed by the first part of January.

 RID financial report from Kelvin – 

Hours over Christmas – Dec 24 close at 3:00,  closed Dec 26, Dec 27 to 30th for collection of payments

Aerial Photo’s – Gordon attended a meeting held December 9th at the County of Lethbridge offices. It is possible that the area will be flown again the early summer of 2012. The group will get prices for better quality photos using a 1 in 10,000 scale. If the RID decides to go ahead with the project the districts three year plan will need to be amended at that time.

 New light truck – The board requested Gordon to obtain a price for a new Ford ¾ ton truck.


 Directors Items – There were no director’s items.

 ORRSC – Seward – Proposal: To subdivide an existing 157.39 acre parcel to create three  titles of 35.14, 37.24 and 85.01 acres respectively, in SW-21-6-21-W4. On motion by Byron Wilde the board approved this subdivision, subject to the owner signing an irrigable unit agreement that would designate the new three parcels as being part of an irrigable unit using the current irrigation delivery point from Welling #5 lateral. The current irrigation acres will be distributed through the 3 new parcels. The motion was carried.

IRP Funding application for 2012 – $638,400.00 from Province and $212,900 from RID. The board approved this application on motion by Alan Heggie, carried.

 Northwest Irrigation Operators 2012 conference – There will be no one attending this conference from the RID.

 Irrigation Acre Transfer – 10 irrigation acres from Greg Romeril, NE-31-5-20-W4 to; Mike Bartsoff, LSD 1 in 17-6-19-W4 title #981 093 505. This parcel is included in the RID and meets land class requirements. On motion by John McKee the board approved this transfer subject to, the parcel receiving the irrigation acres being declared as part of an irrigable unit with the parcel immediately to the north, in the SE-17-6-19-W4 title # 011 374 317. The delivery point is in that parcel. The motion was carried.

 Richard Larson Hudson RID R/W, new proposed plan – The board reviewed the proposed plan and were satisfied that it is correct. The plan will now be registered with land titles.

 AIPA conference report from November 28 – 30 – The board reviewed the conference and noted that it is becoming more technical and political each year. Topics were discussed with discussion on some.

 RID employee vacation schedule – Gordon reviewed outstanding vacation time of RID employees for the board’s information.

 RID Admin Fee – Should the RID charge an admin fee when materials are purchased through the district? After discussing this at some length, on motion by Alan Heggie, the board approved “that all purchases made through the RID will be charged a 5% admin fee beginning January 1, 2012”. Carried.

 RID IH 1983 gravel truck – Gordon noted that this truck is getting tired, should it be sold and replaced with either another gravel truck or an end dump to better utilize the Kenworth? The board determined that the truck should be sold and that an end dump should be purchased. Gordon will get prices for an end dump and will advertise the IH for sale.

 RID Disability Benefit Policy and Procedures – Approved by the board on motion by Byron Wilde and dated December 21, 2011, carried.

 RID Special Leave Policy – Maternity Leave – Approved by the board on motion by Byron Wilde and dated December 21, 2011, carried.

 RID work week policy – Approved by the board on motion by John McKee and dated December 21, 2011, carried.

 RID General Holiday Schedule – Approved by the board on motion by Alan Heggie and dated December 21, 2011, carried.

 Next meeting date – January 18, 2012 at the RID board room.

 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:09 PM on motion by Alan Heggie.